
She doesn't die, he's being a troll.

He's talking about people on forums.

There was a silenced pistol and some rifle I believe. But weapon customization, as the OP mentions, would be so awesome.

Looks like we found the next Jim Jones.

Like Sessilu said, play through the first time without a guide (except on puzzles if you get really stuck), and then search for a spoiler-free guide on how to get all the endings and a guide for the puzzles to blaze through them on your replays.

Everything always has black people with purple.

Hahaha that must have been awesome.

I agree. Is it that hard to look up a damn gameplay video or read the first few sentences of its wikipedia article for god's sake!!!

I think the only reason writers should use a un-localized name is if they are talking about a version of the game that isn't out in the region that the article is aimed at. They should always put the localized name in parenthesis though.

I also enjoyed Apollo Justice. I thought Wright was awesome in the game and it made me love his character even more.

I thought this was how playing any video game was like.

The game needs to have that face because he can't look cool when the player is making him present the wrong evidence lol.


Now playing

Something worse than this will happen if they try to break into Valve.


I haven't played many FPS games for portables, but Metroid Prime Hunters and 007 Goldeneye for DS were alright if you are okay with stylus aiming.

Power Stone!!!