
You can’t drive while drunk or on heavy painkillers but booze is legal and so are painkillers if you have a prescription.

You can’t drive while you’re drunk and people still do it. What point are you trying to make?

Why is it dumb? What harm specifically do you predict will come from this?

This is why Bernie is the best choice in 2020. Democrats should have been doing this way before 2020. The way Democrats abandoned unions to please their corporate donors was shameful and a terrible strategy for winning elections. Any union that endorses a politician besides Bernie Sanders is run by corrupt fools who

Seth is great, but I really don’t think it’s productive to give people like McCain a platform to double-down on the dumb shit she says. If you want to have her on to promote a charity or something, or doing a segment about the shitty thing she says without her as a guest, both are fine. But this? Not so much. Not to

I forget who, but I think it was one of the two Aldi billionaire brothers who was asked about the Gates/Buffett “donate your billions to charity” idea, and he said something along the lines of “it’s a terrible idea, because why should I get to decide what the best social use of my money is? It’s much better to have it

Gates does some good charity work, sure. But that doesn’t mean billionaires should be allowed to exist. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to “earn” a billion dollars. A billion dollars is never earned, it’s taken.

Socialism isn’t defined as “the government doing stuff instead of private companies”. It’s an economic system where the means of production are owned by the workers. Everything else socialism asks for derives from that- if the workers own the means of production, that means a capitalist can’t exploit them in any

You can have those policies but they won’t fix the underlying problems and eventually will be cut back and removed by capitalists reestablishing their power (like the new deal)

This man drank fracking fluid. Pay him no mind. 

Keep your hands where I can see them!

“its over” some idiot said, literally 9 months before the first vote is cast. 

I’m going with Chris Hayes on this: To win decisively in 2020 and wipe out the Trumpsters, we need somebody upright, mediapathic, and adorable, who can grab attention and encourage non-voters to sign up and vote for them.

“He said, ‘Why the heck should I wait to draw contrast between the two of us? That is what a primary is all about.’”

Is this a cheeky joke or are you absolutely clueless about the Obama administration?

This is why getting money out of politics is not a “pet issue” as privileged liberals like to brow beat everyone else with.

But please remind me why Democrats aren’t corporatist stooges...

Rev. Pix Butt going down is a god damn crime against humanity.

Maduro’s is the legitimate government until there is an election that says otherwise. If you are claiming that Russia and China are worse global actors then the US then you will need to show your work. What metric are we using - body count? Property Damage?

Im not interested in your bullshit propaganda. If you think that Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, Elliot Abrams and Donald Trump are going to bring democracy to Venezuela then I have several bridges for sale that you might be interested in purchasing.