
Way to go Anita! Eating our own... LITMUS tests.... PURITY! You... you... BERNIE BROS!”

“Son” has been a verb since long before I ever used it that way!

He’s big with people who get hard nipples when you say “pragmatic” or “access to affordable __”.

Storm Duck and Pope Thrower about to have a barn-burner to see who gets to lose to Jizyah Shorts

Chastity Gooch-Fant vs. Rev. Pix Butt was a gut-wrenching decision. I acquiesced to my inner 9 year-old and voted for the good Reverend, but I fear his time may be up.

Ecclesiastical Denzel Washington was robbed

“Round of applause from anyone who doesn’t want their skull dented by a stapler.”

Davis is one of the biggest dipshits in the comment section.

Why are the comments on splinter always filled with dipshits that think every single writer has the same opinion on every topic?

Corporations like Stop & Shop don’t care about their workers. In fact, if they could enter into a convict lease agreement with the local for-profit prison and pay their convict/slaves a de minimus wage, they would.

Man, the bench is deep with center-right candidates. What kind of polling firm is telling these morons that they have a chance in this current climate?

Bernie leads and the rest of the field tries to catch up. That means President Bernie is what we need. Not lame ass copycats who aren’t brave or bold enough to try big ideas first. Know why Mayor Pete didn’t go first? Because he’s a grifter with little to say and no real ideas.

Is this a parody response?

If she focused on defeating the Republicans instead of sabotaging Medicare 4 All, attacking Bernie Sanders, shilling for Israeli apartheid and cozying up to the blood-soaked dictatorships in the KSA and UAE, we wouldn’t be criticizing her, now would we?

I guess you haven’t been reading comments here since Hillary blew it, because the EXTREME CENTRISTS camp out every fucking day to continue their relitigation of 2016. 

“CAP took $2.5 million from the United Arab Emirates between 2016 and 2018"

They rather lose than have Bernie win and then be exposed for the conservatives they really are.

Once again. It’s not about Republicans vs Democrats.

They’d rather lose to Trump than have Bernie win. These people are fucking ghouls, who care more about their money than the welfare of their country.

No, he’s vile and a blight on the game.