
I’ve been reading some of the new sites that Splinter and Deadspin alumni have gone to like the Outline, New Republic, Vice, and Slate. Chapo Trap House also has connections to both sites (and is really great) if you like podcasts.

Stay strong, guys.  We’re all pulling for you.  Solidarity.

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”
Fuck Jim Spanfeller.


The private equity vultures who own G/O Media shut it down last week, laid off all the writers, and won’t let any of the other sites even mention it.

Will any of the GMG sites be doing a liveblog now that we’ve lost Splinter?

I don’t want to be the one to tell you this Maidment, but you don’t seem to be doing an awesome job here.

The LaRouchies have been doing incoherent stuff like this for literally decades. I see them on the street corner every few months holding insane signs and berating people. It’s essentially a cult. I kind of thought it would fade away after Lyndon LaRouche died, but I guess not.

Iran was involved in the USS Cole attack - 17 killed and 39 injured.

I love this idea. How would this be implemented on a governmental level though? I think most of the times the work day/week has been shortened in the past, it was due to pressure from the trade union movement. The systematic gutting of unions in this country is probably the biggest reason it’s been so long since

My mom went to high school with Richard Neal. She said he used to get stuffed into lockers.

Your new national security advisor: General Butt Naked

“People love getting sued by their private health insurance companies!”

No, it doesn’t make you wrong. You’re wrong in addition to being obnoxious and awful. This just makes your wrongheadedness that much more unbearable.

You are so fucking obnoxious and awful.  Log off, man.

I legitimately forgot this guy existed.  When you’re less memorable than Michael Bennett, that’s a bad sign.

If these companies can’t afford to pay their employees a living wage, then they SHOULD come to an immediate end. Your host/virus analogy is backwards. Uber and Lyft are the parasites exploiting their workers. Unions are the only way that workers can bring the distribution of power between management and the working