
“Well, you didn’t vote for me,” Feinstein replied.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

What happened the last time the US actively tried to change things in Latin America on behalf of a constituency in Florida?

Florida Dems: Yes, we must get involved in the election in other nations to prevent an outcome we don’t want.

Fucking hell give it a rest. 

Every entrant in the Democratic primary potentially will draw votes away from the eventual nominee. Some supporters of primary losers ALWAYS ends up not voting for the nominee in the general. A segment of Clinton supporters didn’t vote for Obama in 2008. And 2016 was a unique year, and Sanders a unique candidate, that

Blaming socialism instead of severe corruption and an economy that was reliant on a single export is indeed dumb

And don’t forget the sanctions put on Venezuela. Does the US plan to sanction itself if Sanders wins?

They can’t use the Russian “Commies” as a bogeyman anymore, seeing as they now love Russia for helping Donny win. Donny is declaring his love for Kim and North Korea, so that is out. So it’s Venezuela as the bogeyman country with left-wing politics.

Hey, since you have to have some trouble reading, I’ll quote the relevant portion of the post here:

Remember folk! Modern free markets (protected by the government, in quasi-monopolies, with no regulation) are the only thing that can get us out of this disaster of a global extinction.

He’s got about as good of an understanding of socialism as the current top comment. 

But we also risk people not actually understanding what socialism is (workers owning the means of production). It’s overly simplistic to be like, “We have police and firefighters and highways, we must be socialist!” Nah, that ain’t really it.

What do you think socialism is that we already have it?

The Boston Marathon Bombing didn’t happen at a parade.

Martin Richard was 8 years old.

First thing you are stealing a joke that has been made a million times before.  You are lame.   Secondly people like hearing what Bernie has to say so the joke doesn’t even apply.  

C’mon now, the stomach pumping urban legend has always been tied to Rod Stewart hasn’t it? Amazing how that story made it around the country before the internet.

I think the 2016 election will be a net positive for the nation in the long run. Before 2016 I would make excuses for Democrats like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as they blunder and do nothing to improve my life.   During 2016 I listened to Bernie’s truth vs. Hillary’s centrist idiocy and I had an epiphany.    Why