
He laid out Pat Patriot because that Jets fool can’t maul Steely McBeam.

Besides the fact that his charitable causes tend to be arts institutions and wealthy universities, which I consider to be poor choices of charities due to the fact that they do not address the most pressing human needs, he has spent more money on luxury real estate than he has on philanthropy; he also has billions of

lol calm down this is a politics website 

Ah yes, this is all just a cult of personality thing. It’s not like it’s really cool and noteworthy that a politician shouted out and then made a guest appearance on a prominent British LeftTuber’s charity stream and voiciferously defended trans rights the whole time. It’s not like a politician showing an interest in

Guy, the prisoners are not the ones keeping you from your paycheck.

One thing America is *VERY* ready for? Improved rail transportation infrastructure. And that will help with inequality issues across the board:

So, just so we’re all clear: 

30 years ago. Was this a trick question?

ProTip: The US has always sucked.

It’s almost as if the government of Saudi Arabia is run by bad guys and we support them almost unequivocally, also making us bad guys.

Just more of the Clinton School of Pretending to be a Democrat.  I’m perfectly happy watching these Republican-lite fuckwits lose elections, because it further shows that having a D next to your name while consistently talking, and sometimes voting, R isn’t actually a winning strategy at all.

In my experience, self-described centrists want to sound like they want to do something while their only real concern is making sure they’re not inconvenienced in any way by all these things that need doing. They’re the, “I support the right to protest but not if their protest gets in my way.” and the “I agree

This is currently intended as a toothless show-committee. Democratic leadership has no intentions of doing anything that might interfere with their futile plan to appeal to non-existent centrists. They have let deniers define the public debate on climate change and are now afraid it will alienate people who won’t vote

She should’ve retired at the beginning of Obama’s second term. The judicial course of an entire nation rests on an 85 yr old to hold out 2-6 more years. 

Swear to fucking god, the liberal response to the idea of pulling out of Syria — where we shouldn’t be, and never should have been — lionizing of war criminals like Mattis, and reflexive, full-throated defense of America’s monstrous foreign policy over the last few days has been genuinely disgusting. Bunch of

He seems completely indistinguishable from a normal New Dem-type at the exact moment when that ideology has never had less to offer, fully supports the US imperial war machine and markets, and still, y’know, lost (in an election with record turnout, at that). What’s noteworthy or compelling about him on a policy

So here’s the thing. Beto is great compared to Cruz and Trump. When our options are those two... hell yes I will back Beto any day.

But we haven’t gotten to the primaries yet. Our options are Beto vs Harris, Warren, Sanders, etc etc. So yeah, I’m going to start disliking the guy, because there ARE better options.

And we

He was “good enough” because he was running against Cruz, who is worse. Now he’s being compared to potential other candidates in a Democratic primary, who are, in many cases, better. This isn’t difficult to understand.

Except you’re not moving on. You’re going to be here every day shitting on leftist policy from your smug high horse from now until the heat death of the universe.