
As a data nerd, I enjoyed this article quite a bit. I wish regressing.deadspin.com still existed.

New York’s alright if you like saxophones

Every time I hear somebody from out of town call Boston “Beantown” it gives me the shivers. I don’t even know of more than a handful of places that serve beans here.

Don’t stop learning just because you’re done with school. At least in the tech world (and I’m assuming in other fields as well), new technologies and best practices come to prominence all the time and it’s important to know what the trends are. I didn’t realize that when I first graduated and found that it’s pretty

I hope this kid falls in a toilet.

I think you’re referring to “Jeter Sucks A-Rod” and “Posada is a Little Bitch”

If anybody’s looking to get rid of a “Clemens is a Bag of Shit” shirt, let me know. I’ve been trying to track one down for years.

Welcome to our city, it’s a great time of year to visit. I swear most of us are not like these dickheads.

Wow fuck off

So you’re saying that the only way for the police to deal with the situation is to try to kill somebody? I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree here.

Whether they should have been bombing the hill or not is irrelevant to my question. How is exacerbating the situation by intentionally injuring somebody helping anything?

From the guy who filmed the second angle via reddit:

You don’t see anything wrong with a cop shoving that guy into a parked car while he’s moving at 40 or 50 mph?

The National League is hot trash. Fight me.

I don’t know, man. I think that’s a fairly room-dependent thing. The casino I generally play in (Foxwoods) does a pretty good job of keeping things under control. I think Black Friday was the main driver in the decline of poker in America. The large crowds in live poker rooms were fed by people trying poker out

Just another reason why Connecticut should be chiseled off and set adrift in the Atlantic Ocean. A state that truly brings nothing to the table.

It would be awful. As you can see in this video, it IS awful:

I saw a guy riding one of these the other day. It took everything I had to resist shoving him into traffic.

I saw a guy riding one of these the other day. It took everything I had to resist shoving him into traffic.

Hot take: Kadyrov’s cat disappeared because he found out it was gay