
It’s also in Dublin though, where I’m guessing nobody gives a shit about college football (similar to here in Boston).

I’m about halfway through “The Poky Little Puppy.” I’ll make it through this epic saga if it’s the last thing I do!

We’re gonna build a wall on the equator and Ecuador is gonna pay for it!

Have you guys been hazing the Gawker transplants?

I get more pumped than I’m willing to admit every time I see a new Regressing post.


The guy in the bucket hat? It definitely looks like it. You can see the two people walking him away pointing at the stands and yelling at some other people too.

The Targaryans typically marry their siblings to keep their dragon blood pure, so it wouldn’t be too out of character. Daenerys was originally supposed to marry her brother Viserys until he gave her to Khal Drogo as a gift.

What the fuck is up with those Any Given Wednesday clips? Is Simmons in blackface??

As a Bostonian, I kind of yearn for the days when we didn’t win shit and the rest of the country didn’t hate us. There’s probably something wrong with me, but I had a lot more fun screaming obscenities at Bobby Valentine in 2012 than I did when the Red Sox backed into a championship they didn’t deserve in 2013. It

What’s a tradgedy?

I was there. You aren’t funny. Fuck you.

Fuck off

2003 ALCS. Grady Little should die of gonorrhea and rot in Hell.

I just did the math out of curiosity. The Phillies have a 9553-10677 record over 134 seasons, which means they are 1124 games under .500 all time. That works out to just a hair under 7 (6.94) undefeated seasons in a row to get back in the black. That is really really shitty.

As somebody who went to an engineering school, I wish this was a thing back then. There would have been a sport we actually could have won at. I swear there was a women’s basketball banner hanging in the gym for a season with a losing record.

Come on, man. Where are the peacocks?? And the ducks?

Don’t forget to make Gretzky’s head bleed.

What’s the deal with the white bread? I’ve had some killer BBQ in Texas, but being a New Englander I’ve always been confused as to what you’re supposed to do with the white bread. Do you make a sandwich with the meat or do you just eat the bread on its own? I’ve legitimately been wondering about this for years.