
This episode was terrible and offensive. Let me explain why:

If that last shot of Felicity ended with the sound of Vader breathing off camera, that would have broke the inner nets.

Holy fuck.
This looks incredible! And I am so excited to finally see some more Mon Mothma (that's her name, right? The rebellion leader?). This just looks so interesting and exciting!

I assumed he was Tarkin, tbh. I’m not sure you can do a movie about building the Death Star without him.

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai Jedi

Maybe we’ll see more of Black Siren in future Flash shows because of the big spoiler months in the making has just happened.

+1000 for Fourth World country. Belle portmonteau!

If the first issue is what it looks like when Coates is still adapting himself to the medium, then this series ought to be quite something. The use of voice-over captions is especially smart. Panther’s voice guides the beginning and ending of the issue, but the layers of political life in Wakanda take over in the

I always had issues with Black Panther, and Wakanda in general. They were essentially the Galt’s Gulch of Africa, ignoring all the injustice happening everywhere else to live all smug in their little utopia.

nah, it’s definitely The Guy You Pay To Write Things About Black People, writing The Token Black Person Comic With Intentionally Controversial Name, to prop up the already long running SJW PR Stunt of Token Black Guy That Shows We Are Progressive in Avengers 5 or whenever they release the next cash printer.

I wonder

Archie is so, so, good since they rebooted it. They did some really interesting things, like doing away with the love triangle and instead starting off at a point where Archie and Betty have been dating for years, but she dumps him just as Veronica moves to town. HIJINKS ENSUE.

To be fair, the energy Superman came along a good five years after Superman’s death and return. And that was just Clark with a new costume and power set; this is a completely new character who is going to be called “Superman,” and that’s not something DC has done before in its main canon.

The problem with New 52 is that this is its apex, not the benchmark.

Seeing how wasted the Black Cannary/KC currently is on Arrow I wouldn’t mind if she permanently moved to the Flash.

Looking forward to the scene where Superman pushes the goth kid off the ledge.

I assume you mean the season’s penultimate episode. Not the show’s.

Yeah, I’ve already read this story done right...

Honestly, there are some seriously solid moments of TV in TWD, with a few lulls and inexplicable detours. I don’t think it’s until S6 that it really becomes a case of diminishing returns.

No. Aluminum is for Little League and college.

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.