Huell Howitzer

The whole shebang is a bit weird. I’d be a bit nervous about the sustainability of support if I were Haas. Looking closely at the LinkedIn picture, there’s some odd stuff happening in the background that makes me think of some subversive DaVinci Code hidden meaning...Where’s Robert Langdon when you need him?

The arrogance is what Elon shares with the Patriots. When you drink up the bullshit that is “the first truly innovative cars” and ignore what other car companies are doing as a sustainable, profitable business, then certainly you will not understand the difference of what it takes to actually make a car. Honda,


Erik, it’s worth mentioning the Tencent is a major shareholder in Tesla rival Nio, so it’s probably a bit subversive of them to be poking holes in Tesla’s security issues.

They’ve been kicking the profitability can down the road for a long time. 

Owen Wilson unavailable for comment.

It’s delaying the inevitable. There’s no benefit that I can discern by doing that- you’re making the current quarter look profitable but it’s going to gouge the next quarter’s results. 

Right now in Los Angeles, Tesla dealerships are not in traditional “auto row” areas- on the outskirts of the city clumped together, but are located in heavy pedestrian shopping areas for the wealthy, like old town Pasadena, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Americana in Glendale. They are there specifically to capture

Uh, no. Not a molester thing. Just a joke that it sounds like a euphemism for a pole dancer.

That sounds like a trap to me!

15+ years and one day I end up in the greys. Why does Justin Westbrook hate me?

You charge up your car at work then bring the excess electricity home to power your appliances. It’s the 21st century version of stealing office supplies!

Point of clarification regarding the Coke bottle. Loewy did not design the Coke bottle shape- that has been part of the brand for much longer. He was involved in other brand image refinements for the company. From Coca-Cola’s site: “Many people have mistakenly attributed the bottle design to Loewy. He did not play a

If you want to pretend that the miles traveled in space are some real automotive measurable distance, then you might as well say that any vehicle sitting on earth puts on 92 million miles a year as it travels around the sun. Cars built in the early 1900s have a big lead on a piece of recently made plastic, rubber, and

Gizmodo Media Group” for those of us who don’t know the acronym.

I haven’t been grey since like 8 years ago so have no idea who to beg to get out of colorless limbo.

I made a joke about “Polestar” in one of Justin’s articles and was instantly sent to the greys. Not sure if it was an automatic thing or he didn’t share my sense of humor, but since the banishment I’ve been quiet.

EARS! Dumbo, you can fly you can fly you can fly!


That odd seating position can only mean one thing... PS time!