And..... so the NYT had a story yesterday about that conversation Comey had with Trump that I’d HIGHLY recommend y’all read/listen to.
And..... so the NYT had a story yesterday about that conversation Comey had with Trump that I’d HIGHLY recommend y’all read/listen to.
I’m just overwhelmed by the fact that every day is a near catastrophe in the White House. Wake up to think, “What the hell has he done now?” I’m glued to Twitter, not getting much done, and am grateful that we’re leaving for a week in Paris on Thursday. I really need to put down the phone, drop the mouse, and…
Good God, that’s a very good point! I remember particularly when Al Franken was questioning Ku Klux Keebler Sessions during his confirmation hearings and he just erped out a bunch of incriminating stuff spontaneously. If I understand you correctly, you feel that a lot of this flailing and fussing is not just people…
Every house seat is up, every two years. Yeah, gerrymandering. Progressive leaning voting has a turnout problem, not a message problem. Half of the adult citizens in this country don’t vote. Some of them are unable, due to having their rights stripped by a felony conviction, but that’s not responsible for all of those…
If he saves babies from a burning building, I’m going to assume he set the fire himself.
Family is republican, I was a republican...but no more. I would rather vote Democrat who takes out $500 out of my check for welfare than to deal with this clusterfuck any longer.
I remember laughing at my dad when he bought a nose/ear hair trimmer. I’ve had mine for two years now. Sigh.
I just don’t have faith in people.
Isn’t going to happen. Herr Asshat will see his demographic double-down on him. I expect the Republicans to gain a supermajority in both house and senate.
Well, you know what they say about men whose eyebrows meet, right?
1.) No.
I won’t read it, because I don’t care for romance novels of any type. But I totally respect what she did and is doing.
I recently deleted my Facebook account for this very reason. Likes and reactions aren’t content, no matter what Facebook thinks. And because my feed had no content, I had no reason to use Facebook.
Beyond exhausting.
My coping mechanism is turning all this political drama into a relationship drama. Like a break up letter that reads: “I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that the sex I gave you was the best you’d ever had, however I am breaking up with you because of the atrocities you committed…
Well, we already know how the Nixon Presidential Library covered it:
On the one hand I am terrified by all of this, on another I am positively gleeful. But on both, I am horribly entertained by all of it.
Also really worth following is John Schindler (@20committee), a former intelligence-community pro with lots of contacts still there. He’s been saying some shit for months that’s finally being vindicated.
No library for Trump. Just a claustrophobic, gilded-to-the-gills media room with wall-to-wall screens playing the greatest hits of Fox News & Friends on a loop.