This is the dirtiest and soulless administration/Republican party in the history of our nation.
This is the dirtiest and soulless administration/Republican party in the history of our nation.
If this were the Middle East, it would go something like, “Despot who wins in unlawful election fires head of feared mukhabarat (secret agency); family consolidates control over the country. International observers decry leader’s decisions and calls for democratic elections.”
She kicked Cruz’s ass when he tried to do the classic Republican deflect onto “But Hillary’s emails!” and schooled him on the Constitution. Then he slunk away in shame.
Anyone who thinks that the Southern states seceded for any reason but their belief that the North intended to end slavery—not merely stop its expansion, but end it outright—should read the articles of secession adopted by every single one of the Confederate States.
They’re the same people that think that mainstream historians and educators are twisting the history though. Consider: they literally don’t believe that the Civil War was a war fought over slavery. So to them — as messed up as this mindset is — they don’t think they’re obscuring or erasing, but rather, shining the…
Yep same old story. A complete and almost pathological lack of empathy and unwillingness to believe that “it” (however the misfortune of “it” manifests itself) can happen to anyone. As if there is some sort of glowing golden compass of morality in their hearts that make them exempt from the brutality of life.
could potentially offer input as to how regulations could realistically be implemented within a corporation.
Ok. So from a conservative/pro-business perspective, I can understand appointing 1 or 2 industry reps to serve on the advisory board, where they would work alongside scientists and policy experts from the EPA. I would oblige a conservative executive branch that; it’s reasonable. But this horseshit is fucking criminal.…
Macron was the sane choice, just as Hillary was the sane choice - the difference is that they have a less fucked-up electoral system in France and were smart enough to learn from the US and the UK’s mistakes over the past year. Good for them.
Holy shit. What a bunch of delusional assholes. Let’s bathe in their bitter, bitter tears!
I get it, but most American voters chose Clinton and I will not have the voice of the people erased! Our system can suck all the dicks, tho.
I had gone to do housework and cook and all that fun weekend jazz and was away from the internets. I actually said ‘oh thank freaking god’ when I looked at facebook.
Yet another country proves that its citizens are smarter, and kinder, than Americans.
Le Pen isn’t done and the ideology that got her this far isn’t done. Good job France, but don’t forget that she got a third of the vote and set a record amount of results for the far right. For now though:
Wait, clue the game or the movie? Didn’t the movie take place in the fifties? Also,I agree with canned Pam, I am so Mrs White.
I suggest Linkedin - you can search for jobs in countries you are interested in, and the site is heavily used by recruiters.
I’m like halfway drunk right now because i just got done writing about 32 pages of essays in 3 days, and this is the greatest thing i have read today.
I don’t care about the whole republishing fanfic thing — I just wish it hadn’t been such execrable fanfic. There are so many crazy talented fan writers. James is not one of them.
My mom’s were like long tube socks, totally deflated. She often went around the house partially naked so I saw them a lot. I got breast implants at age 21 (24 years ago this month!) for that reason— I was beyond terrified mine would look like that. So I decided to preemptively fill them up a bit. Questionable decision…
I developed very early, and at age 9, it became obvious that it was time for me to start wearing a bra. My grandmother told me then that if I ever went without one, my breasts would look like hers, which were flattened and pendulous. I can still remember the feeling of panic that washed over me.