
Prof and I have done some overseas traveling the last few years and we are now thinking it might be time to bug out permanently, but we aren’t rich and are close to retirement and don’t have many marketable skills. Where could we go that would take us in when we can’t bring much with us?

They understood the threat would come within. And the single greatest threat to the nation is safely ensconced at the top. He should have been removed long ago, checks and balances are not working.

Do you know how babies are made? Did you skip 7th/8th grade health class? Do you think women reproduce asexually? Dumbass.

You sound like someone incapable of sustaining the Hippocratic Oath. Perhaps this wasn’t the right field for you? Or, if you’re that worried about the uninsured, perhaps you should lobby for a single payer healthcare system. Then everyone is insured, but those who can afford to do so can pay cash for more premium

“Because Obamacare”? You must have started your practice in 2010, or else you would clearly remember that there were more people uninsured before Obamacare than after. Blaming Obamacare for there being uninsured people is like blaming food stamps for world hunger.

There are many redneck history buffs. I’ve met more than my share of confederate sympathizer “historians” in KY, a union state. *sigh*

Yeah, how do they think babies happen too? Like I know they’re all in on the virgin birth thing, but all babies require a man’s contribution.

I was a single man when my child used my newborn care. You are clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Insurance should cover whatever life throws say you. Our current insurance policies are woefully inadequate.

Wouldn’t it have been simpler to just flat-out state that you have no idea what insurance actually is?

Because young single men never father children and when they do, they never help out in raising those children or paying for their expenses. That is all the mother’s problem, right?

You do know you pay taxes towards public schools even if you never go to public school and never have kids. Like, that’s how public schools get their money?

I’ve thought for a long time that black people should’ve taken that flag & ruined it for them by “claiming it” for use on all kinds of shit. I’ve actually seen white people visibly deflate when I looked through them & their flag, rather than at them, & giving a response. Down here, you see them everywhere, all the

I’m a young single man, and I’d appreciate it if you, a shithead, wouldn’t speak for all the young single men.

Yep. Those young men were babies once. And fuck babies, right?

Yes, those things necessary to the sustainable welfare of the country where those same young men were quite likely educated and enjoy employment.

There’s two things wypipo hate:

You left out one reason: it makes you uncomfortable. I am pretty sure that there’s a ton of people flying/wearing Confederate flags simply because it rustles the jimmies of decent human beings (or that’s their intent, anyway), and they get off on that. This is of course in addition to the other reasons listed.

and staging Civil War reenactments as if it were an antiquated, redneck version of Dungeons and Dragons.

A huge chunk of the “Confederacy” lovers are from families that emigrated after the Civil War or are from regions that opposed the war (I’m looking at you, East Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, etc). I’d say it’s a fair comparison, or at least that it doesn’t make less sense.

I always thought that this was the fucking batshit royal wedding of Canada, but I see that I was incorrect. I learn something new every day!