I’m underwhelmed with this song. It just sounds like it’s straight out of the 90s with a mix of... slurring the lyrics together so I’m not always sure what she’s saying. I was expecting more. :-\
I’m underwhelmed with this song. It just sounds like it’s straight out of the 90s with a mix of... slurring the lyrics together so I’m not always sure what she’s saying. I was expecting more. :-\
My grandparents referred to each other as Mama and Daddy since they had four kids.
I second a period tracking app. I would not recommend Clue. They list hundreds of people’s data recently and were awful about it. No apology. Just dicks towards people who lost their valuable medical data.
Great article. What I’ve found I’d there are things I enjoy doing, which I find to be a meaningful way to send my time which helps others, but it doesn’t pay the bills. So I can’t do it and it just weighs on me and makes me sad.
I think my mom may not have had so much trouble if she’d stopped at one. But who knows what nightmare I would’ve been without siblings to care for.
I’d like to find some slim gloves which are actually warm. Not like snow shoveling warm, but it’s 30F and my car won’t warm up for another five minutes warm.
I’d like to find some slim gloves which are actually warm. Not like snow shoveling warm, but it’s 30F and my car…
If I can change the DPI my Samsung takes photos in, that’d be great.
Out of curiosity, do you think there’s a market for local people to do this? Yeah, you can send your stuff to India, but why would I risk something happening to my irreplaceable memories?
Rumors last I heard.
What can be done about Trump trying to appoint his family to high roles while they simultaneously are in-charge of his business?
I got disowned. It’s been worth it. I couldn’t listen to them call the President the n-word.
I ditched someone. They then filled up my inbox whining about how much they love me and that is just an election. Fuck that. I care more about the millions of people they actively sought to hurt. What they did is unforgivable for quite a long time.
A trans friend posted on FB a nice reminder to please keep them in mind when you hear about the bad things which will likely happen. Some guy immediately posted, “Why are you being mean to me?????!?!?”
I keep having nightmares. This is a waking nightmare.
Thank you.
I agree. It’s counterproductive at this point in time to be constantly held back by people who don’t believe in education or science or the future.
Someone told me the pro-life thing was number one in importance to her. I simply can’t understand what someone else does with their body has anything to do with you. It’s so creepy to want to get involved with strangers’ medical decisions.
I kept waiting for a HUGE October surprise the last week...
I wonder what Trump supporters think of him ditching them within days of winning and hiring all those people he’d promise not to deal with j
I’m still convinced Ms. Rice led through her teeth that she never used email between 2000-2008. That was her excuse as to why she didn’t have emails.