
I joked earlier that no, what the American people want is an idiot. Democrats try to put smart purple out there and they lose. Elizabeth Warren would also lose. She’s not charming and glowing with promise like Obama. I’m still disappointed in John Edwards too.

I’m wondering if there’s any chance that those still uncounted ballots will change things. In Wisconsin, the margins were under 3,000 and they were still counting earlier today.

I hope you told them to go fuck themselves.

I think this is likely. If things had been quiet, many people would have been disgusted and voted anyone but him. But because of the attention drawn to POC issues, they freaked out.

I’m wondering how the Trump supporters feel about him going straight to nepotism and lobbyists instead of being an outsider who cleans house. Disappointed? Shocked?

I was hoping that once elected he’d go back to his more Demcrat ways. “I can’t believe you thought I was that much of an idiot. Mexican mall, not wall.” My Republican co-worker who crossed over to vote for Hillary is still reeling. He’s hoping Trump will want to work on infrastructure and build new bridges.

I have had nightmares each night this week. My subconscious is digging deep for fuel.

I’ve been listening to a Songify version of an Obama speech. It hit me hard yesterday that we’re going to lose such an eloquent, compassionate, intelligent, and gifted speaker. I plan on not listening to a damn thing this disaster says.

I keep thinking he’ll back out, go lulz, I can’t believe you failed for it. Here, Hillary, my old friend, you’re in charge.

Can he do that?

Goes to show that people get interested in the wider world at all ages.

Same, this motivated me to get out there and be physically invested.

I keep choking on this too. If she’d won, there’d been some grumbling, but no one would feel genuinely scared for their lives our future.

Same. I was a little giddy thinking about getting pregnant with Obama in office then welcoming a daughter with the first woman president in office. But like everything else in this non-fertile year, it’s another disappointment.

My co-worker said he hasn’t been this depressed since his parents died.

I was watching the nightly news at age four. It was a highlight of my day and weirded my parents out.

Yep. I did a focus group with some third to sixth graders recently. They knew more about the news and politics than most adults I know. I asked where they heard it and they said: dinner table, New York Times, watching the news, the internet, and listening to adults talk to each other. These are kids that go to some

That’s fantastic!

I cut someone off for it. She blames everyone and takes no responsibility for her actions. Yet it is somehow minorities that keep her family down when they refuse to get even an associate’s degree. There are no decent jobs there without something more than a high school diploma. There hasn’t been a long time before

Mine too. Mine too.