The other members of her band are her literal sisters.
The other members of her band are her literal sisters.
Why is it a competition though? Can’t you both have been blogging before blogging was a bigger, more widespread thing people did as a sole source of income? This just sounds like,“I liked this band way before you and thus your late discovery of it is less genuine and less real than mine. You can’t appreciate it like I…
This feels like the technological equivalent “I walked 5 miles to school, up hill both ways!” And? Your possession of a modem older than those “twerps” doesn’t negate the fact that younger generations have contributed significantly to how the internet is used and its content, which isn’t surprising since they have the…
No need to apologize at all. This has been a part of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) since 1981. Now Husted is arguing the nuances between “elect” and “nominate” in order to get rid of it. He has a history of trying to keep out-of-state students going to college in Ohio from voting and ignored a court order to keep early…
From Ohio, went to high school in Ohio, and currently in Ohio. My mock Senate in high school voted to indefinitely suspend the writ of habeas corpus because “terrorists” and shit. It was a middle to upper class area and most of my classmates just sat back and parroted what their parents said without any ability to…
EXCEPT that the LAW in Ohio since 1981 says if you are 18 by the November election and thus eligible to vote in the November election you are then eligible to vote in the primary when you are 17. Husted decided to take issue with the nuances between “elect” and “nominate.”
Ryan Reynolds is Canadian!
Aw man, what happened to Fran breaks my heart to a million pieces every time I think about it.
UGGHHHHH they spelled AmandLA Stenberg’s name as “Amanda” in the US Weekly article about Lourdes and I don’t have a Facebook or any other notable social media and there is no other way to tell them to FIX IT. I tried to find a way to contact US Weekly via their website for 15 minutes. Amandla is such a beautiful,…
1. Very glad you are no longer in an abusive relationship, especially since as you said, the abuse can be hard to even recognize sometimes. That’s never any easy thing to notice, admit is happening, or break from.
“I am empowered by my husband, who is so accepting and supportive and who has given me a newfound confidence in myself. He allows me to be me and loves me unconditionally.”
I don’t know if I see the tattoo/piercing comparison. No one with a tattoo or piercing has (yet!) tried to convince me that the tattoo or piercing was something they were born with or packaged and presented it as “natural” or universally desirable and certainly not as something I too can attain with a special tattoo…
Oh c’mon. I in no way disagree with her overall message because of course slut shaming and body shaming is bad but please, she is only saying this when it suits her and is ABOUT her. It’s still self centered and me, me, me! as all hell.
You’re dismissing and redirecting like crazy. Must be fun to never address the validity of an argument/point of view but rather attack the person or make a blanket statement dismissing it all together that in no way makes an ounce of sense. How can anyone else “win” when you refuse to even play? Nice con.
I honestly don’t understand your reply. How does me taking issue with something translate to me expecting people to care? I don’t like Trump but I am not going to ignore him and hope he goes away. Celebrities often have a power the rest of us don’t.
I don’t see how there isn’t a difference between saying “you should be ashamed of being naked” and “you should stop blatantly using nudity for shock value and attention.” I don’t see Kim K leading the crusade to normalize and generally take back control over nudity in its relation to sexuality, i.e. nudity doesn’t…
Am I allowed to take issue with Kim’s framing of nudity as a way to get attention by virtue of it being taboo and/or shocking when in my opinion it’s not and shouldn’t be presented that way to the masses. In the words of Cassie, “It’s a damn titty.” Constantly using nudity for shock value perpetuates the antiquated…
Kim K reminds me of a friend of mine from middle school who in recent history was a stripper. I see nothing wrong with being a stripper. My best friend in grad school was a stripper. Hell, sometimes I wish I had the moxie to be a stripper. Back to my friend though. She would get mad when people would call her a…
Ray J never played basketball. He’s a D-level R&B/hip-hop artist who got his start by being related to other R&B artist Brandy. Sorry, I am very particular about my Ray J facts for no other reason than I also like to remind the general public that Kim K burst onto the scene as urinal cake...