
There’s people that buy cars without seeing and receiving the title?

Neat, so I couldn’t tell from either article whether it was company shareholders or taxpayers, but some group of generous people just basically gave 14+ plus million dollars to the buyers for free.

Neat premise, but plenty of people here have explained how it’s far more common to go 300-400+ miles between fill ups on a trip, and that a fuel stop is normally five minutes, not 30, plus there’s no time lost searching/getting to electric recharging stations.

Big surprise?

Optimize 11 percent moisture loss with an additional process? LOL, no thanks.

Zero reason to brine a delicious piece of meat of any variety. It contains all the delicious juices and flavors you’d want naturally, not to mention that a lot of pork in supermarkets is water injected already anyway.

That is true, although it’s a very tiny advantage. If you just want to keep things simple and happy do the Pass with Odds and you might enjoy a very pleasant evening or just dump some spare cash.

I agree with your analysis of my comment. BUT, these types of devices in civilian stop and go traffic would be hilariously useless. A static dummy driver would be spotted within seconds by other drivers - humans are very perceptive of weird stuff in their vicinity. The only way these would work is if one launched them

Standalone units are 98 percent reliable in all locations other than when weather, buildings or landscape blocks GPS. Smartphone navigation faces all those problems PLUS signal loss in some areas. Believe it or not, the cell phone companies are FAR from having adequate coverage in many areas. And regardless of having

That cost is basically insignificant compared to losing smartphone cell connectivity and having zero navigation available. And yes it still happens, only a couple weeks ago in my case with AT@T and a relative on Sprint.

Drive outside your big city. I drive hundred of miles per trip, sometimes thousands, and often a smartphone using Google Maps LOSES ALL CONNECTIVITY. Then you have no new map info, no routing capability, no navigation basically.

What in the holy feck are you talking about? I’ve been in major metropolitan areas on multiple occasions (multi-state large swaths in some cases) that lost power for two weeks or more. Absolutely no riots occurred, the cities didn’t shut down, and no extra people beyond the usual reasons died either.

That pricing plunks it firmly into the Segway’s disasterous category of “plaything for the extremely curious and well off”. Of course the small “hoverboards” at a twentieth of the price of a Segway now dominate the market while Segway evaporated.

Yawn. All of these “miraculous warranty” cars/stories are still costing you tens of thousands of dollars I haven’t spend by owning the same well maintained car for the past ten years. And so on and so on for the past four decades. Not even close.

Are you now writing plots for upcoming comic books or something? This “plan” is utterly useless. There’s a reason that human suicide bombers are vastly more successful (though barely “successful” in any significant sense) than any remote controlled vehicles.

I hope they hire a nanny to teach the kids how to comb their hair...

Not at all. I understand the “rules” of speedrunning and using glitches and that’s the environment that the speed is achieved in. So articles like this in the future should specifically be titled “The fastest SPEEDRUN of Fallout 4, etc.”

A little thing called “competition”? Ford has always clearly shown that they want their IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment) system to be a major player in the market. Just because Apple and Google also have competing systems doesn’t preclude Ford from biting into their market.

Wiping out a zombie infestation is the very last thing anyone would want to do. If you could truly create some mechanism for reanimating dead flesh and bone into an actual moving object that could produce work, you’d be the richest person in the universe.

Tesla’s future is also dependent on consumer acceptance.