
People working two shifts probably aren’t able to frequent restaurants during open hours except maybe for lunch.

No. Although I also though briefly about the A-4, the Mirage IV is a twin-engine jet that’s 77 feet long - More than twice as large as an A-4.

Yeah, basically a pretty hard surface since your fleshy little body isn’t going to compress it very much. Divers can pierce it, surfers not so much.

Sigh. F1 is an amusing amalgum of rich teams, qualifying times and races that are parades.

Note that these are not tips for how to prepare your car for the snow.

Except it’s at an altitude where hundreds if not thousands of hours of similar helicopter footage has been captured.

So they just made the world’s weakest and least reliable helicopter?

Twice the fire in half the time!

I’m throughly confused over the “car porn” production value of the video.

Yeah, that’s the beauty of the legal system. We already figured out all that stuff a long time ago - There are varying degrees of justice for various situations in which someone kills someone.

And what’s wrong with tax supported Internet? I use my cell and internet connectivity all day in my business to make money, spend it in the local economy, and also pay taxes.

Yeah it sucks, you are spot on.

See the airplane “built from a heater”! Sponsored by “Stone Soup”, ha.

All retailers are delivery services, obtaining items from wholesalers even if branded with their own labels. The exception being of course factory distributors or on-site producers.

I think you’re looking for a different term, or level of experience or something. Illustrators and graphic designers run the gamut of skill levels, often doing the same tasks to differing degrees (drawing vs. layout). Those menus were probably designed by what we would call graphic designers today.

That’s actually a Johnny-Come-Lately. All the other diesel and steam trains shown on the menus came decades before the Aerotrain, and used the world’s best industrial designers including Raymond Loewy.

Quite the opposite. Those meals are dirt simple, cheap food, not luxury meals. The menu tries to make it seem glamourous but Edwardian England ate better.

+1 - I laughed, I cried, I threw a touchdown and left town.

First, you need to go back and read the about the huge health benefits from moderate consumption. If you REALLY cared about yourself and people you care about, you’d actually ENCOURAGE them to start drinking a little bit once in awhile for their health. It’s not old wives’ tales, it’s studied medical fact.

That’s nice and selfish and everything, but what you and the valiant supporters of “Netflix Freedom!” don’t understand is that Netflix won’t be kicking YOU off, they don’t care.