
Hey. There's nothing wrong with Steve Park or Rusty Wallace.

That's who I thought it was lol.

Oh you're right! Those look like Miata seats.

No those are stock but not from a 1999 Crown Vic. Those seats look much later.

Here's gt2 fully rendered in 1080p.

I can't hit recommend enough hahahahahahah

I wonder how this would work only an hour out from NYC?

No idea. I got it from a toyota fansite.


Honestly one of the best looking modified R34s.

More like proven design.

Damn look at that cougar!

Now we wait as Nissan announces they will produce it....but it will look nothing like the concept......and it will be front wheel drive..... and will only come in a CVT.........and only be released in Japan.....

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Reminded me of this classic Kazaa/Limewire/Ares/Frostwire clip.

The red one?

Got a link?

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Crown Vics are pretty bad if the tires are anything but brand new off the rack all-seasons. Here's mine on the baldest of bald 10 year old Goodyear Eagle RS-A all-seasons.

I'd have to say the 2013 CTS-V with Michelin Pilot Sports are completely useless in anything more than 1/16th of an inch of snow. The thing would sit in drive and spin its tires without anybody in the car just as another user with an older model CTS-V said.....

I can attest to the Pilot Sports being absofuckinglutlely useless in the snow. The CTS-V and ATSes we had in the lot wouldn't budge in less than an inch...