Baseballs: The Real Killers of America.
Baseballs: The Real Killers of America.
Oy gewalt this is not worth it, but here are a few counterpoints:
It wouldn’t hurt anything to run your head through the wall, clearly.
“- The guns are a tool - like a computer, a hammer, a hatchet, and a car. Do you blame the car when a drunk driver kills someone? No you don’t - you blame the drunk who was driving. This is what makes firearms such a strange argument, those who don’t like them want them banned saying they have no purpose - you know…
First, you’re not wrong at all about how we treat mental health in this country.
Except for the part where, if the mentally ill person can only get their hands on a club, there’s a better chance of disarming them and keeping them from killing multiple people.
Try armed rebellion in 2015 and see how long that shit lasts. The U.S. government would turn even a well-armed militia into Swiss cheese before Joe Blow’s first shell casing hit the ground. This argument is pathetically weak.
my son i know from experience that there is good kinja and great kinja and i’ve got to say this kinja is some great-ass kinja
Yes, the guy hired to be the designated driver should know what will happen once the traveling party has reached their destination and should stop it before heading home for the night.
Odom’s had such a shitty life. His dad was a heroin addict, his mom died from cancer when he was a kid, and his six-month-old baby died from SIDS, which is one of the most fucked up ways you can lose a child. And despite it all, he managed to still be a really nice guy.
Can we go ahead and get “That’s just what millionaire assholes do,” emblazoned on the NFL Shield logo?
There’s cosplaying as Korra, and then there’s “oh man look at this it looks like she’s actually waterbending while…
All Kardashians are worthless, so it doesn't really matter who he meant.
Pretty sure they meant Kim, but way to jump to conclusions
Stephen Colbert on my world is again whole.
No. No no no. Not Roddy. Please no. God damn it.
What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.