No idea if it is true in Costa Rica, but most hotels catering to international travelers will have luggage rooms and safes available for guests who have checked out or haven’t checked in yet.
No idea if it is true in Costa Rica, but most hotels catering to international travelers will have luggage rooms and safes available for guests who have checked out or haven’t checked in yet.
Is it just me or is she not that great of a pornstar? Terrible looking boob job and sub par skills. I feel like people are into her because they get to watch a middle eastern woman fuck. Or maybe it’s just her social media presence.
I think it’s easier for everyone to turn this into a question of whether Joan Jett — a famous person we’ve all heard of — did something ethically/humanly questionable back when she was 16. But what we really need to be focusing on is the grown man and rapist who committed these atrocious acts. Not only did he…
Calm down messi
Well someone won’t be getting any pie...
The post-KO punching is the biggest turn off for me when it comes to MMA.
As impressive as the obvious Russian corruption is, I think it's worth noting how ridiculously corrupt and twisted spending on the Olympics is even before the Russian kleptocracy gets involved.
12 BILLION dollars to host a sporting event. That is fucking ridiculous. It cost 450 million to launch a space shuttle. The…
I liked Malcolm Butler's quote after the game too. "Well, I'm the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like Lockette that's the result you are going to get! Don't you even talk about me!" Winning with class, eh Richard?
Go cry in your fucking soup, you fucking idiot. Soon you'll have a kid to teach how to cry just dear ole dad.
For Seattle fans, you had a 10 point lead and you let it slip away. Your HC made a ballsy call before the end of the first half and it paid big. He made a questionable late call and you paid big time. Live with it bandwagon losers.
I can't help but feel like Gronk would've shoved his foot up Bruce Irvin's ass if they let them brawl
I can't tell how much I enjoyed that.
I was in the minority and liked both teams. After that, I'm so glad New England won.
Richard Sherman's tears will keep me warm through the cold winter months