
THIS^^^. I am more cool tempered in my older age but if I find myself in a fight where more than one decide to attack me I am going to do everything in my power to hurt or yes, kill you. Because I sure as hell am not going to allow you to do that to me once single combat went out the window.

Looks like the torn jacket bro was one on about five. Justifiable reaction in the heat of the moment.

Nope, just the usual stop at your mom’s house then on to the main event.

March ‘84

No fucking phones, no one texting and Facebooking. Just good under age drinking. Concerts used to be a lot of fun.

Thank you for this, Dave. Movies like this serve as a reminder of how much fun the world can be. I’ll be watching this with a new appreciation later tonight. And as soon as I get back in my car, Defenders of the Faith is gonna be the first tape I play on my way home.

What do you mean "like" a crazy person? Kanye is a nutter.

Thank you for your service, and your sense of responsibility.

How bout they focus on giving a hug and having a heart to heart with their trigger happy brothers instead of worrying about taking their gun into a crowded stadium before chugging some beers and doing a whippit in the linc parking lot.

Lol. Yeah sounds like a great idea. 1000+ people have been killed by police this year. Americans killed by ISIS in the US is 0.

I mean, it’s a funny line, but moving us to the metric system is 1000000x more beneficial and sane than anything anybody uttered on stage last night.

Will the Democratic debates be as batshit insane as the three hours we witnessed last night?

I don’t think you know what communism or socialism actually mean. Sanders is, truly, party to neither of those ideas in full. Further, what does the qualifier “boring” have to do with the noun “liar?” Would you rather an exciting or entertaining liar who wages a global war and robs its constituency blind?

They are all insane people. Even poor, stressed-out, occasionally lucid-seeming John Kasich: bonkers. Pathology is

I think someone should call up their hillbilly buddies to sort this out if Police can’t do anything.

Oh my god I laughed so hard when I first heard the song. I thought it was a joke! They keep saying Jesus won but...gay marriage is still legal. So what exactly did they win?

One kid going out of his way to ambush an official is one thing. Two of them doing at once tells me this was ordered from the sidelines. If that’s true, end their season right now and fire the staff.

RGIII has been so brutalized, humiliated, and dehumanized by Washington you’d think they’d re-name the team after him.