
Probably just as long as it takes Russia to supply the Kurds with SAM capabilities. And not a moment too soon, too. If there is one group of people that totally deserve their own state in that troubled area, that’s the Kurds. And, that, BTW is a big part of the reason this whole mess came about. The area in which the

Why would they do that? On the other hand, Turkey is keeping its air force away from the border, and all coalition-based air strikes in Syria have been apparently put on hold, ever since those S-400’s went online in Syria and Russia said it was arming its birds and providing fighter escorts to all sorties.

Two words:

kind of like when the US kept shooting up the Doctors without Borders hospital, even shooting people running for their lives, but then say they didn’t know anything? and the US media kinda forgot about it and then moved onto Trump and the Kardashians? Kinda like that?

I think this is funny that you guys are trying to put USA war ethics on the Russians. They know what they are doing, and if they kill 500 civilians to kill 20 terrorists, then they call that a successful mission.

He’s a dictator who inherited his position from his father. He doesn’t care about the people. He simply wants to eliminate any threats to his rule. If there are rebel fighters in a city he has no problem bombing the entire city.


“Russian-made gunship.” Russian-made or -designed weapons are the status quo in the Mideast, Asia, eastern Europe, and Africa.

“offering a quantum leap in range, resolution ....”

What I find fascinating about this is my sincere belief that a motivating factor behind Russia’s involvement in Syria— particularly WRT the air campaign— is simply the desire to finally use all of this stuff.

You are a complete, blithering idiot if you thing that defeating an active insurgency is possible with air power, or even military intervention. Do you even Vietnam, bro?

One of the great potentials of this kind of 3D mfg capability would be in fabricating small recon, decoy or surveillance drones on demand inside an ultra-high-altitude heavy orbiting a target area or providing a long loitering, orbiting, on-station flying CAS and heavy arty/bombardment platform.

Some of the inlets around Bremerton are something right out of Mad Max: Beyond Valyria. Come around the bend, all like “shit somebody left an aircraft carrier here”, like God went to bed early and forgot to put away his toys.

Thanks for posting the videos and your analysis. The geopolitics and military hardware details are just amazing.

Why? The Taliban doesn’t have access to any type of anti-air weaponry that could down Air Force One at cruising altitude.

You clearly have no idea what these dogs are like when working. I’ve clocked one of my Mals at 41mph. I’ve had them take 250lbs decoys off their feet and on to the ground from a hand shake position. And they are 65-70lbs dogs. When ever people underestimate the power and strengths of these animals, I always ask them.

1. I didn’t dismiss sorrow, I simply pointed out that “better a dog life than a human life.”

theres no air in space.

I don’t believe anyone actually in charge of nukes would want to go there, not even the Russians. Even notorious “I don’t give a shit what you think”-Putin knows that the political fallout from going nuclear, even if just one small nuke, would make his projects with Georgia/Ukraine/Malaysian Airlines seem like a minor

Tyler, your map looks to be about a week and a half outdated.