You are the most predictable commenter on all of Gawkerdom.
You are the most predictable commenter on all of Gawkerdom.
Putin can’t afford to fight an expeditionary war. It bankrupted the USSR in Afghanistan, and Putinistan has nowhere near the wealth, nor prospects for it now that commodity prices are falling world-wide. The Gulf States could bleed Russia white, and Putin knows it, and with Israel a nuclear nation, nukes, even for the…
I give it a month or so until shoulder fired Surface to Air makes it into hands of the rebels and they start shooting these things out of the air. A week after that, we’ll see bodies of Russian Pilots being dragged through streets of Syria, prompting outrage of Russian populace to go out and beat up gays...
Russia’s biggest problem is it masquerading as a “world power” when it has an economy the size of Italy’s, and has corruption on a scale that rivals the geopolitical basket-cases of Nigeria and Lebanon (Link below). It’s publicly acknowledged military spending, as a percentage of GDP, is higher than the US by an…
Iran’s economy is much different from the rest of the Middle East. While it’s true a huge majority of its total exports are energy related— Iran also possess heavy manufacturing capabilities including autos, and a financial sector.
It’s obvious what these media-revelations are— they’re products of the hardliners in the IRGC, and the Iranian government who oppose the Nuclear Agreement, but have failed to subvert its passage using normal governmental procedures. So, they’ve resorted to trying to influence US politics, which is already lukewarm to…
Considering what’s happened to those of Iran’s neighbors who had neither nuclear weapons nor a second strike capability, Iran’s actions seem prudent.
Hey China:
We need to bring a couple of battleships out of mothballs. They'd be perfect against these very stationary targets.....
It’s a very important point, regardless of if this specific instance is true or not.
Yup. Too bad we’re good at preventing nuclear war yet seem to be cool with all the conventional killing and raping going on in this world. I’m less scared of Iran with a nuke than I am of the simple fact that children in Africa tend to be brainwashed into children soldiers after watching their parents get beheaded and…
I see no reason why you shouldn’t.
Again, William, your ignorance shines rather brightly.
How in the hell will we win long range engagements? The US has all its eggs in a single missile basket, the -120C, with the -120 D coming online sometime in the future. The ‘C’ version has a range of ~50 miles or so, with the Pk dropping like a stone as approaches maximum range. The missiles are of a 30 year old…
This isn’t stated enough. If the goal of Israel OR America was really overthrow, it would be done already. The USAF could have parked a B-2 or F-22 in orbit over the med or Iraq and be within 30 minutes of removing Assad immediately and no one would even know until after the bombs hit. He’d walk into a building and…
No you’re fine, there’s probably no fuel in there.
Hell, WWII disproved the use of carpet bombing...
It’s amazing to me that Russia would release what is essentially their first “check out our F-117 hitting downtown Baghdad undetected with a laser guided bomb” video in.....forever? And it’s of dumb bombs missing their targets.
Lol...Obama fucked him hard. A Democratic President allowed Congress to essentially exempt fracking from environmental laws (pissing off all the greens) and also managed to get the Saudis to continue to push oil prices down “in competition” with the US by maintaining production. Even though it’s messing with their own…
Have you never watched Top Gun? :P