
The Russian 5th gen fighter doesn’t exist. It is vaporware.

Vaporware. None of it has been demonstrated or used in combat.

The M1A2 displays superior protection, firepower, and mobility. Something the Red Army has fever dreams of ever achieving. The biggest flaw is the Russians never operate their tanks enough to gain proficiency for the crews. Chiefly for that reason they will always get their asses handed to them by any Western Army.

Meanwhile, Russian arms manufactuers have been playing lots of Red Alert and decided the Mammoth Tank was a pretty good idea. Though for now, they’re content with one cannon.

In what scenario would the US be confronting Russia alone, though? I know that we have this idea that US needs to be capable of operating in 2.5 theaters alone, and win, but that just seems to be an unrealistic goal, especially when our most conspicuous allies, i.e. the rest of NATO, stand to lose a lot more a lot

Having over 35 yrs in software development and project mgt I am shocked this “concurrent procurement” load of crap wold have ever gotten traction in the defense community. The ability to design and to a lesser degree, test complex systems has grown tremendously during my career. What has NOT changed is users who have

Jjjjjj...Jjjjjj...Jjjjjjj... JADE HELM!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are clearly biscuits.

China is only getting stronger whereas Russia is every year getting weaker. Russia doesn’t have the money to keep their nukes in top form. Even if they did how much would make it to the nukes especially seeing the corrupt nature of the regime. Geez look at Sochi, they spent $50 billion on that for the Olympics? None

Next time they should use a better Russian driver...someone by the name of Pickemup Andropemov.

Dustin, first: fascinating story and I’m truly jealous. Thought I’d suggest this: if you still enjoy IT, you should consider dedicating yourself to advancing that career. Depending on your experience and knowledge, the pay could be easily in 6 figures within few years, especially if you have Top Secret clerance. If

I spent a number of years doing dev work as an engineer. A
sailor came over to me one day while I was monitoring some test equipment, and asked me what I was doing. I politely answered pretty succinctly, he smiled nodded and requested I explain it English. I knida laughed inside realizing my back of hand knowledge was

AB Plus, I don’t see any ads. At least when I’m not on mobile.

Very small wing area for a 4 engine jet. It gets a ton of extra lift off the Flap design.... But I’d like to see that wing root about six feet wider and with more wing fusalege blending.

It would make sense for Russia but there are two figures that would keep such a scenario from happening.

Meanwhile, the US shows Russia that never cutting ICBM R&D funding in the 90’s wasn’t a bad idea after all...

Hmm. A drone with a GAU-8 would have to be about the size of an A-10 and twice as expensive. In general instead of imagining a fantasy air force I think we should visualize drones in the context of planes we have now.

A human brain is still vastly superior at problem solving than AI would be in this realm. When looking at individual combat techniques, I’m sure an AI would win over a human in every category. But if an AI isn’t programmed to handle every scenario, and it isn’t programmed to learn from previous scenarios, there will

Top Gun was possibly one of the gayest things I have ever watched. I mean you could probably find gay porn actors with 14 inch wangs who pound 30 dudes in the kiester every day who watched Top Gun and said “whoa there guys, tone it down a little...”

As a prior crew chief, I feel like there is something wrong cause there are no leaks/streaks on the bottom!