
I pointed this out in the Cuba Hellfire piece - the thing to worry about is cyber warfare: How to introduce a signal into the system that can interfere with it’s function. In these two cases, we have missiles without warheads or rocket motors... but with the electronics that allow them to simulate targeting and

Hmmm... there is a little matter of Kosovo and Bosnia... You think there are no grudges held about that - IN THE BALKANS!?!


What do you mean I can’t bring my Katusha onboard? I was able to last time! I swear, next time I’m flying Southwest.

Remember the country of origin: Lebanon.

It would be more akin to 3000 Chinese soldiers in Tijuana. Laughably small number that would only exist there at our discretion.

I would say the same about Germans.

That was my first entre to Korean culture... a bunch of Koreans in my dorm stunk up THE ENTIRE FLOOR with the dead, decaying, putrefying smell of delicious Kimchi!

Normally I would posit that using nukes for counter strike is simply implausible... but using them against NK if they are shelling Seoul with chemical weapons may be the only situation that is so over the top that the US would get a pass from everyone on using nukes again.

With a unified central government, there is no real threat of a land invasion of China. How many troops would it take for China to fear a US invasion? It’s not 30,000. How many troops would we have to place in Korea to provide a credible invasion threat that would overcome a 1,000,000 man army, with endless local

Plus, the last time China was absent from the UN they voted for the Korean War - and because they weren’t there they couldn’t veto it!

I think the last thing China is worried about is a land invasion. They are as worried as we are.

I love the little Hydra pack - for when you absolutely positively need only 7 more rockets.

You know, that may not be such a bad idea:

Count the guns again - that is an OCTO-.50!

“Who’s your Daddy?” Haha, I say that to my kids all the time...

Ah yes, the OTHER place our darn cars rust out!

Actually, it’s your front jack points... which were also the conduits for any internal condensation. There are no intact jack points in salt states.

Actually, I like this video much better. Much more haunting atmospherics.

Um, guys? You realize that a nuclear detonation ANYWHERE in the world could plausibly be caused by the USA? That is the whole reason behind our Stealth program - you don’t see us come in or out, and your cities blow up unexpectedly.