
Nice, nice... Hot dog vendor... sure... hot dog vendors can’t do anything can they? So whom should we trust then. You? Why?

TL, unfortunately I still read. You didn’t really get to a good point until paragraph “And the simple fact is ...” where you point out the USAF model of “we’ll throw a lot of planes at it because we have them” That’s crap. The US has certain strengths, and certain weaknesses in it’s forces. Our weakness is reliance on

Why would you need a carrier there when you have a TON of NATO land bases all over the area?

So here we have a weapon that is perfect for going after soft targets. We are looking to replace it with a weapon that doesn’t have the unintended side effect of laying down and unmarked minefield. (on a sidenote: 15% to 20% bomblet failure? SERIOUSLY!?! Do hand grenades fail at that rate?). The Cast Ductile Iron Bomb


I’m actually surprised no one has started (yet) a program of attrition against high value targets like Rivet Joint, or against the Bear and Backfire. Sure, giving the pilot of the opposing aircraft an air show with your nimble fighter is one thing...

I was disappointed that there was no video, image, or diagram of how this new technology works. I’ve seen lots of picture of cluster bombs (your piece on the smart cluster munition was superb), but I don’t really have an understanding of how a Ductile Iron casing could even approach the lethality of a trunk full of

So let me get this straight... India, our friend, is getting copies of one near state competitors Stealth technology - the T-50...Pakistan, our friend, is getting copies of the OTHER near state competitors Stealth technology - the J-31.

You are right, they wouldn’t be giving out a month of advance notice... they would be giving out MONTHS of advance notice. they would have to, since they have no actual experience of amphibious assault. We did D-Day. We did Inchon. We even did and armoured feint amphibious assault as part of Desert Storm. Our Marines

IIRC, during their last “war”, or potential war... the US was exasperated at BOTH of them, and resorted to giving them both highly detailed satellite imagery and coordinates of real military targets SPECIFICALLY so each side would not target eachothers cities with nuclear weapons. At this point, each side could see

The only way the US would not be able to stop a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be if the invasion troops were INVITED IN. It’s a fairly simple thing to pop ships laden with troops that by their very nature HAVE to come within missile range.

You know, one of the most interesting tidbits I saw in a collection of Edward Snowden quotes from interviews was this: “China is not our enemy”. In the context of his broader comment, this was not a throwaway line. This was pointed, but never broadened.

Was that the name of the bar we were in last night? All I remember is a bunch of heavy metal dudes in there, all talking about some big competitions they had the next day. Didn’t we start some sort of dirty martini drinking contest? Those never end well. I left those guys at 4AM... I wonder how they faired in thair

OK, at first you said he should ignore the bases... now you are saying he didn’t “effectively counter and engage them”. That would bring me back to my original question - what should he have done?

Oh, yes they will. I think the house of Saud is very blasphemous, putting the king’s picture up all over. I don’t think SA can flood ISIS with cash fast enough before ISIS realizes they can take all the wealth for themselves.

My misunderstanding - I thought you were implying that the Presidents inaction led to the building of the bases.

Thank goodness for the services opening up for all preferences... so they can finally get some shit done!

Yep... a distinctively American Meow.

It’s funny, there is a whole “We are not the aggressors here” aspect of this thing. I wonder if national embarrassment wouldn’t be the best countermeasure? Instead of threatening with attack craft, you send in landing craft filled with... Japanese Tourists. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Follow on waves of Vietnamese

They did... and I’m pretty sure it was a Poseidon crewmember who said it!