
I would think of this system more as an insulator rather than armor.

Dude, I've got a lock... she has a troll on her side... I need you to eject and take out the hostile... in 3-2-1... EJECT EJECT EJECT <POW> <BANG> <WHOOSH> ...
so... it's just you and me... I've got a slot next to me open... why dont we go make a furball...

Well, this development is interesting... but I'm not convinced yet of the actual threat that China can project yet. Case in point - the aircraft carrier you mentioned as part of the force projection capabilities in this article.

Surprisingly, I don't think it would be hard to develop a simple, lightweight, defensive shield against laser energy weapons... and no, I'm not thinking of a mirror!

Why a removable battery rocks: My wife and I both use Note 3. Every once in awhile, one of us will forget to charge AND will need the phone AND will be away from the charger. No problem, we can quickly swap batteries and the low one can be charged while the full one is pressed into immediate duty. No funky

I was just double checking those numbers - actually the MARTDET they call it was in the neighborhood of 150-200... while they were there. They aren't there anymore:

The most interesting thing I see about this is the landing of troops on the ship after it has been attacked by missiles and boat swarms. At this point, I would bet the CIWS systems would either be knocked out of action or their magazines expended. The ship would be on fire with a number of people killed and cut off

The Guardian is also in on the info, so it's not just once source for the leak. As Al Jazeera is a state sponsored entity, it will have certain blind spots, as will RT, as will Fox, as will MSNBC, as will NPR. It's a good thing to keep your eyes open to multiple sources, not just the news that makes you feel good!

The Pilots are talking about a new aircraft - but what about the larger organization they belong to? This is what an A-10 pilot said about the Air Force and the A-10:

Again, they are just looking at slightly upgrading what they already have. Better electronics, incremental weapon upgrades... big whup. What of this A-10"D" make it any more attractive to Air Force brass and congressmen that the A-10C before it? What would compel them to WANT the D when they don't want C? That fox

I think that work has to begin now for an A-10 replacement - one that is focused on Close Combat Attack. I think you have to take the lessons of the A-10 and Skyraider and incorporate that into a new air weapon. I think that weapon system has to be a drone SPECIFICALLY because one of its duties is to be that big fat

I can't remember where I heard it now, but I remember a story about a soccer game in some backwater in Eastern Europe. The crowds on each side had competing provocative chants, each side accusing the other of being Jews. These areas haven't had any populations of Jews since the 40's.

Calling the Ukrainians out for having fond memories of the Nazis is like looking down on Sunni villagers who welcomed ISIS into their town.

I think everyone is thinking we arm Ukraine with M1as and A10, or we don't arm them at all. I think there could be a middle ground.

I would think that a simple intercept would have a minimal loadout - so you can get there quick. However, European airspace may be very different... less air to cover before you handoff to another allied air unit.

While I don't know for sure that a MB led Egypt would side with the Daesh, it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Actually, you could have it travel along ceilings and walls instead of the floor. In my imagining, these would be scattered all over the ship, all folded/contorted up in a box on the ceiling or wall. When activated, they could autonomusly move peg to peg along the ceiling until they get to the damage site, then

I think in answer to everyones concerns that t should be wheeled, winged, or railgun tossed instead of bipedal AND your concern that a well trained human crew can do it faster, I urge everyone to think about this.

This is great for a small system, but I still think they need to build a Continental Strategic Railgun up the side of a mountain in the Rockies. Yes, it's the same idea as the Supergun.

So how do you stop ISIS? By recognizing that Sunni's have a legitimate beef with both Syria and Iraq. You want to stop Sunni support for ISIS - the ONLY group that is taking the fight to the Shia Iraqi govt and to the Alawite (somewhat Shia) Assad Syrian govt? Then make the Sunni fight your fight too.