
Just like they catastrophically crash cars (even the exotics), it would be interesting to see one of EVERY model subjected to this kind of test.

BATTLEBOY!!! My favorite character from Fridays (the TV show)

That's a funny video! Voice reminds me of Thomas Dolby.

"If bombing the fuck out of two cities will end a long and bloody war that will otherwise cause hundreds of thousands of more bloody deaths and last for several years to come, and it wont have tactical consequences in the form of worldwide uproar, should morals and conventions keep us from it?"

"It's not baseball, it's life or death for actual people. On both sides. And most of them innocent. Do what needs to be done to end it. No one is served by prolonging the war with protocols and red tape."

From the replies to the article http://aviationweek.com/defense/b-52-r…, I found this post very interesting and humbly submit it for an idea for a future article:
"Which is why you want to CABS an alternative solution-

I wonder if a larger nations might start building some very remote airfields, then "abandon" construction after the airstrip is poured. Basicly be a Honey Pot for FARPs. Instead of bees they might have remote operated defenses that can be activated after the FARP has been set up for whatever juicy targets come in to

Here would be the new distinction - Air Force = High and Fast, Army = Low and Slow.

I think the future will be troops going out with their own squad/platoon drone already airborne, instead of lugging around 200lbs of drone they won't need until they get sick of it and "forget" to take it along... then they get ambushed. I see what you are saying about turning the weapon into the drone - I think it

I think the way forward may be to leapfrog past the Air Force and go straight to Theater Launched Drones and call it CCA. Instead of trying to redevelop a new piloted CAS vehicle - just change the approach and make it a ground controlled vehicle.

Nothing bizarre about wanting a buffer state between you and a competitor - especially an easily cowed but batshit crazy one. Oops, the dog got off the leash again... I'll go get it when I'm done negotiating for these islands I like. Oh, you what my crazy dog to stop the nuclear barking - sure, as long as you lay

The problem is that Seoul and other major cities lie within conventional artillery range. The guns themselves are under mountains, with predrilled holes though meters of rock to shoot through - all pre sighted on unhardened civilian populations. They don't need a nuke to obliterate Seoul, they just need time - and

The Army already demonstrated shooting down artillery shells with a 10KW laser, this one is 30KW, and a 100KW unit is coming? Folks, the most pressing case for this system isn't the US Navy in the Persian Gulf, it's not even Israel.

This... this needs a smaller footprint and stealth packaging. The ultimate trolling device to make Russian pilots crap their pants. This would be the device that would give the Bear pilots pause on their missions in the Gulf of Mexico. They would start questioning their sanity when they were getting SA-4 tracking

I've never seen an image like the top one of a sub at snorkle(?) depth, yet still clearly viable. Was that taken with some type of optics, or was that is especially clear water?

I did remember seeing a bunch of precision options for it... but that doesn't seem to be what the propaganda videos are pushing. I'm seeing a bunch of high altitude racket pod shots that I cannot believe have the resolution to hit a specific target. The SU-34 video showed off it's carpet bombing abilities. Were are

I think we should do the ultimate trolling of those bombers: Cessnas... flying wingtip to wingtip... pulling banner ads in Russian for Viagra, penis enlargement, and offers to speed up their navigations system. They would be flashing of course.

I've been starting to wonder... I see a lot of weapons firing, not a lot hitting. Even with that cool Sukhoi video recently, I saw a bunch of dumb bombs being dropped.

That is a very good question.

Eastern Europe is the white Africa. It's really hard to sympathise with ANY side in this conflict... Oooo, which crappy fascistic side will I choose? Almost as bad as the two party system here in the US, as far as choice goes.