Won't be impressed til I see a working version of this in real life... =P
Let's admit it.. Everyone here at Kotaku, posting, editors, visitors... We're all gonna be like 70+ years old, retired, and playing video games and ordering more games online..LOL
I guess this is good if this is really true... It's better than the grandmother sitting around watching TV. Playing games will keep her mentally active and her brain processing information constantly. It'll help keep her mind sharp instead of turning into a vegetable.
The country itself is a prison camp. So they build a prison camp inside a prison camp, inside a prison camp?
I just want Sony to hurry up and release a standalone Super Slim PS3 with a 500 GB (or more) HDD with a price cut.. Come on Sony!!!
This is good news. I think I'll have to pick this up. I wonder if we're gonna see some re-releases/remakes/compilations of Mega Man games since this game has Mega Man characters..
If you think that unboxing, Let's Build, Let's Play...etc kinds of videos are strange, then you really have no place on the Internet. The Internet these days caters to all sorts of people. Sure it might be strange to you, but other people enjoy it.
Still waiting for a PSP remaster of V and VI like what we have with I, II, III, and IV.
I've been thinking about getting into the Bioshock games with 1 and 2. I think I will hold off and see if this Ultimate Rapture Edition will be worth it. Hopefully it's not some BS greatest hits cover or some cheap ass paper case.
Imagine if Square-Enix remastered this game for the PS3. Maybe they could add in some characters from other Square-Enix games like Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Squall (FF8), Zidane (FF9), Lightning (FFXIII), Tidus (FFX), Vaan (FFXII)... Imagine that, eh?
I buy my games brand new as it is. So this isn't a problem for me. I wouldn't dare give any money to companies like ShitStop and their shitty policies & procedures. It looks like GameStop is screwed since 99% of their business comes from used games sales. Well at least they'll be ok until this generation of games (Wii…
Time for me to finally get a new slim PS2.
Now let's see if this gets a US release, and includes the Final Mix versions. That would be awesome. And then maybe we can get a Birth By Sleep Final Mix on the Vita?
Should've gotten the guys that made FF VII: Advent Children..
I'd actually like to see Dragon Quest 1 ~ 9 get a release on 3DS and DS..
I think it's pretty stupid they haven't release GTA Trilogy HD Collection on the PS3 yet. I mean putting out GTA3 HD, GTA Vice City HD, and GTA San Andreas HD on 1 BluRay, trophies, and HD graphics.. Come on!
Notice how the PS3 version only includes the original? Hm..LOL Probably a download redeem code.
Regardless of being animated or not, I think the overall costs will be reduced and efficiency will be increased?
Oh LUL. Time for Michelle to head over to her kids and Barack and confer about this Wii U contraption..LOL