
Not you. I think the one they use in Japan has a more Japanese face? It's probably just to make it seem more culturally & socially familiar..

Only if we get the Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Collection on the PS3 in the US, then will I get Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, Yakuza Dead Souls, and then if Yakuza 5 gets a US release...

So after taxes, let's say I had like $300 million..

America is still severely lacking in:

I mean does the Wii really need Internet access besides for getting stuff for Virtual Console? It doesn't really get firmware updates and for $100, this isn't such a bad deal..

So something that costs a city about 41 cents a year is apparently worth arresting someone and putting them in jail for.

It's no wonder why Pizza Hut seem to taste so much better than Papa John's lately.. I also like Pizza Hut's delivery people. My usual guy comes when I order and I always tip them well for fast delivery and friendly service. =)

I keep saying this...

Let's see how Verizon FiOS, Comcast, Time Warner, Optimum Online, etc react to this.. rofl... Probably price cuts across their Internet speeds without updating the hardware and network.

This is BS. Really. I think governments should monitor the policy & practices of ISPs. They make so much money every year so I think either they should be taxed more or just charge less per month, remove the BS bandwidth caps (or drastically increase it), and improve speeds (have you guys seen how fast internet

Why can't we get as Assassin's Creed based on samurai and ninjas? That would be FREAKIN EPIC!!

Not a concern for me.. I wasn't planning on getting the game quite yet. Maybe like Black Friday or Xmas.. =) Besides, I'll be getting online through Amazon, BestBuy, or eBay...

...and then we see Japanese newspapers reporting on kids & teens getting massive diarrhea and getting obese all of a sudden...

" According to Wei, the majority of what the young lady consumed was instant noodles, Chinese barbecue, and cookies, often times not eating any rice."

Well, I try to sanitize the crap out of my iPhone 4S every so often. I also don't use public bathrooms since I think they're gross (and they are). I know that there are people who don't wash hands and whatnot.

You know...

Give us a 3DS with the second analog and buttons integrated to the system, lower the price, improve battery life, and cut the price.. BAM!

How about..

It's a good thing that I didn't get Resident Evil 6 yet. I think it was stupid of Capcom to lock out Ada Wong's campaign til you beat the 3 stories.. At least they're not charging $14.99 to unlock it..rofl..though I can't say for sure if we're gonna get $14.99 disc locked content later.. followed by a Gold Edition.
