
I would say that this has a good chance of coming to the US...

How about this..

Meh.. Haters gonna hate. Troll(er)s are gonna troll. Simple. Idiots like that are just keyboard warriors that are lonely, jobless, broke, no social life, etc. ROFL ROFL

I am pretty sure we will see a US release. As for TypeZero, I suspect a digital demo load version later. Just wishing we had crisis core and ff1 anniversary and ff2 Anniversary as a digital release. I would buy it all.

1... These drink and snack companies should cut out high fructose corn syrup and replace it with actual sugar.

Looks like Mai from the KOF series.

...then we see it get released on PSN and XBLA.

"...Bridgestone tyres..."

Obviously they are going to deny the strike and claim that everything is going to plan. Or else Apple is going to have to send people over to check out what's really going on.

Hoping for at least Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost to get a US PS3 release. I would be ok with Japanese only w/ English subtitles and text.

Don't care still about 3DS...

I will get the Wii U eventually when:

So the people we trust to keep us safe at airports from terrorist steal our expensive electronics..

Not without "special" add-on's to your browser. =P

Many people argue that Japan is aggressively trying to take islands because the country itself is bound to being taken underwater through the natural courses of nature.

PS3 version? Yes. =D I will wait.

Kinda like YT. I usually get these idiots who try to friend me or tell me to watch this video. LOL No thanks. I check their channel to see if they have anything I would want, nothing.. then block. Muahahahaha

Defeats the whole purpose of a mechanical keyboard..

was only a matter of time til they did this..

You all know that they're probably already planning to put this out on PSN..LOL