
looks like a test run for an eventual sigma 3 for the ps3. =P

I will wait for a deal on Black Friday or just wait to see early 2013 which I think we'll see a big price cut.. I guess maybe after they realize that Wii U has sold out already..

when will nintendo learn to integrate the circle pad pro stuff to the system itself?

looks.. moves on.. continues to wait for a 3ds model with the circle pad pro integrated to the unit

One can only imagine what Sigma 3 would be like.. =)

- maybe a few psp games + price cut on psp

" ...laser keyboard, holographic images..." Fox News at its best..LOL You guys realize that Fox News has a track record of saying things like this? This is what we get from a Republican favoring news station. LIES.

1000 ships vs. 1 battleship... yea...

General consensus "seems like a majority" (lol..) of people are now disgusted with this decision. I suspect we'll see a lot of people going on like YT and smashing, cutting, and or burning their copy on Bayonetta on the PS3/X360...

"Bayonetta 2 Developers Don’t Want to 'Alienate' You" ... But they did. No mention of possibly going multiplatform.

I'm sure Microsoft got "inspiration" from others, but if 1 of these companies tries to sue, Microsoft will just pour more money and more expensive lawyers into it and counter-sue them back into oblivion.

" Whether that's ever going to happen, though, is a completely different story."

Arkham City on Wii U? Don't care. I have it on PS3. Moving on~

I'll get the Wii U eventually.

...and then we get a PS3 /X360 version made with enhanced graphics, additional content, trophies/achievements under a subtitle...

As my final Wii game, I ordered The Last Story from BestBuy. Coming in the mail this coming Monday according to tracking info..

I'm already liking a few things...

What about the nurse? o_O

I'm a bit concerned with the Wii U's storage space being offered. If the Wii U games require data installation, then well, let's say it shouldn't surprise Nintendo when people don't buy as many games, especially with a lot of them being on the Wii U..

But let's be happy that the Wii U's system price won't be like Sony's stupid pricing of "only" $499.99 or $599.99...ROFL