
The thing with Nintendo is that their prices always stay the same, and RARELY, get a price cut. For collectors, that's sort of a good thing since the dreaded problem with Sony games (Greatest Hits) does not exist.

With Inafune gone and Ono san off work (is he still?), Capcom is *definitely* on the right track in *impressing* us gamers and the gaming industry.

It look like someone color-raped Sailor Moon, and then shot her in the middle of her forehead hence the creepy ass expression as she's dying and realizes she just got shot...or maybe in the process of turning into a zombie.

I hope that Microsoft realizes that they should at least offer an option to switch to the classic UI, or a big chunk of PC users won't migrate over to Windows 8 and will stay with Windows 7.

Since we're getting FFIII on the PSP, hoping to see Square-Enix remaster V and VI as well on the PSP...

"Hey Kids! Now You Can by Skylanders Toys Directly from the Mobile Game"

So tempted to not say this... but uh..

Waiting for KH HD Collection...KH Final Mix, KH2 Final Mix, KH RE Chain of Memories, KH Birth By Sleep all remastered.

So instead of our governments spending resources on more important things like:

Uploading files is the illegal thing. Yep. =)

Meh.. I'm not too excited nor surprised we're getting a third game that will supposedly conclude the XIII series and maybe we can finally get KH HD Collection, Versus XIII, FF HD Collection, and KH3... But I feel like they're gonna spam out DLC for this third entry.

Robert Downey Jr, Johnny Depp, or Chuck Norris...

"And what better way to say Happy Anniversary than with a FF box set?"

How about releasing patch to address the original Darksiders for PS3 (elevator glitch anyone?) and also one for Darksiders II. I've had the game freeze on me, lag, etc.

Although it looks kinda cool, I personally think it looks a little "meh~". But at the very least, it serves its purpose in deterring students from committing suicide.

Technically, you're not getting that good of a deal since you're getting an Apple gift card. That money is basically going right back to Apple in that you'll have no other choice other than to spend it towards another iPhone or other Apple products and or Apps.

Sometimes, I try to write "properly" with punctuations, capitalization, etc. But on the iPhone 4S that I use, the auto-correct thing works well, but there are those words that it auto-corrects incorrectly (ironic, eh? LOL).

How about learning to just keep sodas in the fridge, and not the freezer? If he wanted to eat the soda frozen, then at least go for the plastic bottled kinds. I thought people in China were generally smarter than this. But than again, we're talking about a kid here, and kids in general do a lot of stupid things.

I love these kinds of medical reports. Why? I mean yea the potential for curing Malaria is very epic, but the way that they write things like this.

I might look into this. I am considering something to replace my current Sony XB-500 headphones I use at home on the desktop computer for watching movies, playing games...and also hooking them up to my portable handheld game systems and playing them like that (the audio quality is amazing on my PSP and DS games with