

Fake ass girls with lots of make up and stuff paid to do crap like that..lol Watch when they go home and take off all the make up and stuff. They'll look like crap..lol

Problem isn't the people working there. The problem is the higher ups at GameStop. They focus more on upsales, pre-orders, etc.. instead of the important things like, oh I dunno...:

This does suck. But I bet they're already planning on releasing a Vita and or 3DS version after this..

Here's the problems. Let's see the FCC and US ISPs fix it.

Piracy on PC games? Oh wow. That's a big surprised.

Well good. They were probably a waste of resources for Sony considering they never really made that many games, and I can't recall any that made as much as Uncharted, God of War, Final Fantasy, Call of Duty...or dare I say...MADDEN?! lol...

I think that at most, 32 in. ~ 40 in. is big enough for TV for most people. It's big enough to watch cable TV, play videogames, and watching DVDs and BluRays..

It's a good thing I still haven't purchased this game yet. I hope that they put out some patches for this game. There's too many glitches.

StarCraft III: Heart of the Swarm...Starcraft 3? LOL Kotaku fails..

Many times, Anonymous in general has good intentions, but a lot of things that they do are stupid. Why do they go after consumers?

"Won First Battle: Win your first battle"

Oh? I didn't know that Penelope Cruz had a sister...wow... =D

It's good to see that Final Fantasy III is coming to the PSP. I hope that a US release is made and we get it on UMD. I would also LOVE to see Square-Enix remaster Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI for the PSP as well on UMD.

I'm surprised that GameStop hasn't gone out of business yet. Things I hated about them (I haven't been into their stores in years)...

We have an Ocarina of Time 3D, so it's likely that we will see a Majora's Mask 3D. The thing I really would love to see is for Nintendo to remake Link to the Past in Four Swords (GameCube) graphics where it was like 2D with HD cel-shaded graphics.

I am surprised that they still have not realized that overpricing their game systems will lead to failure; especially in this recession economy.

If there's a flood that high, how did they get the computers turned on and stayed on, and how are the kids not electrocuted?


Gamestop is so silly.