I see it handles like a mustang...no really it appears to still have horse characteristics. Of course I couldn't do any better so ill just shut up now.
I see it handles like a mustang...no really it appears to still have horse characteristics. Of course I couldn't do any better so ill just shut up now.
Decided to take a break from gaming this weekend and focus on my 2nd less stressful (usually) hobby of aquarium keeping. Starting up a new salt water tank :D Really helps me escape...theres no trolling fights about specs or who's e-wiener is bigger. The average person in the hobby is nicer and theres no…
Do people regret reading books? Watching movies? Going to sports events?
Taking a break from battlefield 3 and going back to Bad Company 2. I vastly prefer it the BF3 and had forgotten how much more fun I had in it... I think the maps in BC2 are so much better and more fun to play. Though this is of course only my opinion.
I used to arrrggghhhh
Superior master 360 race derpin derpin derpin
I've seen him, ive always been secretly jealous.
I used to be a vampire-bat-moth-demon-wolf thingy but then a took a crossbow bolt to the thorax
I used to play some Havok online physics demos in the early 2000's, gave me hours of fun...
Moving back to my parents house since I cant find a job here, then driving 5 hours to pick up the lady from university, then writing my final reports for my university....too much to do in too little time
Never broken a controller, I've banged it against something during something aggravating. On the rare occasion it happens I aim for something padded, im too poor to buy a new controller
explosive bolt tips.
Yup, my tactic is to go where other people don't not run down the middle and die repeatedly like most people seem to do -.-
Thats my biggest hate for operation metro, its basically on long bottleneck, as long as the have alternate flanking routes for my "skirt the edge of the map and attack from the side" playstyle ill be moderately happy, still much more excited for the other packs
CODlefield :/ Ill still give it a try though, not gonna bash something till I play it.
Good luck on it! I had one today and I have another tomorrow too! Everyone needs Jerbs
As a trails perfectionist I found it cringe worth :( I always hate watching other people play games cause they don't do what I would do