Software patents suck. maybe I just don't know how they work but I could understand suing if company b took company A's exact software, stole every single thing from it, and just rebranded it.
Software patents suck. maybe I just don't know how they work but I could understand suing if company b took company A's exact software, stole every single thing from it, and just rebranded it.
Oh dang...I'll trade you for a month, since in the US its "Everything sucks, and everyone is a criminal"
Thats because china doesn't give a shit. Copyright protection doesn't really exist there unless its a Chinese company against another.
I'd rather invite this guy to my party.
I agree it is very shopworthy
first thing I thought of when I saw this picture ha
At least they protest for something university just gets drunk and a dose of teargas and corkshots…at least I found this picture from it...
I'd love to play a more serious simulation like this but unfortunately ive been ruined by Callofbattlehalotitus and would probably just rage quit after bumrushing and dying a few times :(
Ill take one too, but I think it needs to be saved from whatever that guy plans on doing to it.....
Thought about this too, but didn't feel like starting the anger from both parties....
She is extremely consistent with that angle.
I'm no brony, but yes, I smiled quite a bit throughout that
What if I'm ahead on schoolwork and need a job? what does that get me?
I think you hit what it sounded like on the head. Flat. The music in the previous OSTs had many levels of instruments and sounds going over it with subtle and more apparent tones combined. This all just mashed together and...generic:/ at least that's my opinion.
Reading comprehension fail :( thought by the phrase "Cleveland's small studio" you meant a game dev company in Cleveland and I got excited...sad sad day for unemployed me.
I learned how much more I love my lady after she drew this johnny bravo pic... she also drew a pretty good representation of "Mario force feeding Luigi his own poop"
Ah so that's what happened to the boots of springheel jak after the Elder Scrolls IV
yes...the day one dlc......that turns children into puppy hating demons