
Honestly, I can think of so many things worse. Losing a job, being homeless, having a chronic illness, food instability, etc. I think characterizing Trump supporters as a serious enemy and dehumanizing them is the quickest way to get another 4 years of Trump as president. Don’t give them that much power, think of them

Watching anyone do pretty much anything at the highest levels is interesting if you find that subject interesting. It’s fine if you don’t find every game or any game to your interests, but why use the physical activity argument?

Occasion! Sorry, english is my second language XD


Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this dress code. Is it so hard to not be half naked without visible underwear in school? And only reason why it is more about girls is because womens clothes tend to be more revealing. Even in summer. Are you really that hot in knee lenght skirt and t-shirt that you have to wear

They’d still be filthy rich if they made their corporation worker friendly. That they won’t is so gross.

What I want is a real, star trek style utopia. I am sick to death of dystopias. I want a real utopia, but i also want a focus on literary and creative utopias. Let’s talk about the best we all can be.

I was an old E3 attendant (as press, so this focuses mainly on that) during my college days (saw release of GCN, DS, etc.). I doubt that much has changed except that the swag isn’t as good (seriously, snagged an XBox S controller after their presentation one year, it was in the gimmie bag). I’m also a veteran

Loot boxes are a significant reason I’ve been able to stick with OW despite the lack of carrot-on-a-stick leveling systems in games like CoD and Battlefield. The problem with those is I unlock the guns and loadout I want, and then my only option is to start over and do it again.

Need help defining hate speech?

You can be entertaining and fun without being a derisive, abusive dickbag.

It was funny because of the climate. The fact that it got this reaction, something so fucking simple its said weekly in sitcoms, is what makes it funny. It shows how fucking up tight and fucking brain dead the social police have become.

Side bar, have you ever fucking listened to a female comedian? Show me one that

Not really. Many movements are the loud few who claim to speak for the many (BLM (in particular the “UK” branch), NUS, BlueLivesMatter, Momentum, MAGA Fans) which is why they get undue prominence when the reality is the vast majority of people have never interacted with any of these groups and their actions actively


Are we reaching peak cosplay? I’m having a hard time imagining how anyone could possibly improve upon this level of craft.

Gamestop will offer him about 12 bucks for all that.

Fuck that. There are no excuses for being a dipshit to your opponent despite them playing fairly and on the same ground as you.

In order to avoid the stress of the holidays, as my gift this year I’ve asked everyone to agree not to buy me gifts, and I won’t buy them gifts, and we can avoid the gift-giving bullshit entirely. Now I don’t need to stress out for two months trying to make sure I got gifts for everyone just to end up with a bunch of

I work just blocks from this guys house.

God these tears are so tasty. Please keep them coming!