Fi Brown
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This one briefly made me debate my child free status. Briefly.

THAT was the moment that underlined for me the fear I’ve been feeling, as a non-American. Don’t tell me American elections concern America only, do NOT. It is insane that anyone can look at the two and go “this is a hard choice”, when Trump is a lunatic that does NOT possess a working understanding of the world, not

I always vote based on the principle of ‘The lesser of two evils’. As a Brit, I’m somewhat less invested in the minutiae, but even I know that Trump in the White House would be the most terrifying possible outcome in more ways than I can imagine. If you’re looking for altruism and honesty in your politicians, you’ll

As long as the protestors don’t resort to violent action or harass his family and friends, I think this is an appropriate form of expressing anger about an obvious injustice. In lieu of a prison sentence, Turner will have to endure this humiliating protest and live with the shame forever, even if the actual

#notalllatinas think he’s a great monster! Some of us think he’s a flatulant small handed impotent monster who has to wear diapers at night and cries in the shower, who only messes up facts because he never learned to read and only hates brown people because he’s never properly figured out how to tan his skin enough,

I’m a ER doc. First - the RN gives the med, not the MD. MD writes the order, RN gives it. So no, he couldn’t have ‘slipped’ her something else. Second, I have given one hell of a lot of morphine in my day, and never gotten someone incapacitated to the point that she seems to be describing (not without causing severe

I am an RN. I have a hard time believing morphine would incapacitate someone as described in this article. I will give the caveat that my experience is anecdotal and not evidence based, and that not everyone reacts the same way to all medication.

Fuck off. Mental illness isn’t your convenient shorthand to dismiss someone you disagree with. Find a way to use your grown-up words or shut the fuck up.

Sorry not sorry, but this Nicole Eramo sounds like a real bitch. I have the feeling that should a victim go to her saying she’d been raped, her responses would include, “Well, did you lead him on?” “What were you wearing?” and “Are you sure you just didn’t have regrets the morning after?”. Whether this particular rape

as people use the term ‘due process’ all the time as shortcut, and not in legal sense.

Since you seem to also not really understand how Due Process works, let me clarify something for you:

If Beats by Dre gets into this market, women will be buying them like crazy. Some men, too.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt wrong. They absolutely do know better. So do the vast numbers of people around them who are too busy fleeing for their lives to be radicalized.

Many people, in most societies for much of human history, had slaves or were slaves. Some people even went from being slaves to owning them. But we have, collectively, got a bit better than that.

But that was 1,500 years ago. Times have changed. Modern men should be just that, modern. There are slave guidelines in the Bible too but slavery is frowned in Christian nations because, again, modern times.

Plenty of us comprehend that. If you think that makes any of this remotely ok, you have serious issues.

I absolutely do comprehend that. Not everyone exposed to the factors you have mentioned chooses to go down the path that these people have chosen. My understanding of how ISIS came to exist in a global political context does not diminish the evil of the acts they are committing.

If only we could teleport all the innocents out of harms way then just send every one of the Daeshcanoes to their 72 virgins...

This makes me want to fucking vomit. Although my initial instinct is to wish the most horrific possible violence upon these men (and I’m not entirely convinced that’s not the right take) ultimately what I really hope is that either in this life or the next, they are given complete comprehension of the evil they have

Good point. Why is there a huge debate around religious exemptions? The only people who should have exemptions are for health issues. If we allow religious exemptions for sex ed and vaccines, what's next? Parents being able to withhold their children from science classes because it goes against Bible/Torah/Quran