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I use Tweetdeck exclusively on the desktop ...and it's going to be pretty tough for this to be Tweetie 2 on the iPhone.

@djr1904: oh god, yes please — please update better gCal for Firefox and please release a version for Chrome. I miss collapsible sidebar/header so badly.

@BigGreenMonster: turns out in not's a problem with x64 ...it's a problem with Flash 10.1 (which I assume you're using as well). I spoke with the developer — this app works fine with x64.

Doesn't work on 64 bit ....boo!

Also crashing on Google Maps when you try to locate yourself. The dev build includes Google's geo-location API built in now...and it seems to be causing tons of problems.

Just what I always wanted ... irritating Buzz spam in my inbox (thanks for that one Google), and now Google Wave spam? ....uh no thanks.

@infrastruct: I'm sure you're trying to talk up OSX — and yet you just look dumb. Why in god's name would I want an install of python wasting space on my machine when 99.9% of people will never use it. Sounds like OSX is bloated if you ask me.

kind of annoying that you have to install all of Python just for deploy this thing once...that's a lot of crap/files all over the computer for 20 seconds of uploading/deploying.

@Ashutosh: Totally agree. If they were smart they'd figure out a way to tie into Firefox's or Chrome's extensions instead of those god awful widgets.

oh good ...there goes Muzzle — gee thanks Google.

@Lyon: Good point. I'm hoping Microsoft wow's us when they release the revamped Windows Live Sync next month (formerly the Live Mesh platform).

Setting up a Yammer account is broken — not a great first impression.

@PapaGamer: clearly I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to the idiots that like to insist that Dropbox is amazing for every scenario (when it obviously isn't) even though they've never even tried a competitor. Dropbox can be great for certain situations — like a group project.

I've been using SugarSync for several months now, and I must say that I'm quite impressed. Unlike Dropbox, you can do what you want. You don't need to do all this BS of creating symlinks just to back up your files. That's ridiculous that Dropbox expects the user to do all the heavy lifting on their system just because

been using this for a while...sometimes it screws up the location of your label colours — other than that it's nice.

This looks like it could be pretty handy...thanks for the heads up!

FYI ... if you use Xmarks to sync between Firefox and Chrome it'll royally screw up your keyword bookmarks — it's really irritating.
