
“which he attended, at least in part, on a scholarship he received for his performance on his high school Quiz Bowl team.”

The first rule of taking psychedelics is: ALWAYS read the entry on Erowid first!

The fans do what Nintendon’t.

How the hell are blind people upset about this? The tag wasnt written in braile.

The robot bra we need has been dreamt up.

Trypophobia is made-up internet meme, like hating the word “moist” or having strong feelings about pineapple on pizza.

...but a miserable pile of secrets!

I don’t care for slideshow based content

“As the frog started to die from the poison, he cried out “WHY?”

long time user here, this app does nothing that is worth paying for

Damn tires, interrupting my dinner, asking if I’ve heard the Goodyear news.

No, it used the exact same mold. It was Empire, a poor, poor copy, with the order rearanged. It still fills the exact second paragraph from lightninglouie.

Initially, nothing really stood out; it’s a fun enough movie, yhe characters, especially the new ones, are great, Alden Ehrenreich does as good a job as imaginable playing the iconic character, and it’s filled with moments Star Wars fans had been thinking about for years.“

Canada looks so strange, without pants

Thank you for your opinion on literary devices, but we need to talk about how the way you express it makes you sound like the world’s saddest virgin, Ray.

Stop trying to video tape it you monsters!!!! It's been proven that video kills radio stars.

...died on Saturday in a tragic accident.

“This comment has been put...ON ICE!”