
Posts like this have to be intentional, trying to stir up the toxic trash on the internet all just so you can be ‘attacked’ and earn pity points, drama is the biggest thing in content creation now a days.....

Not a bad way to make 20k through gofund me

Sure, address the trolls and toxic children, validate them and give them your platform to be heard!
These kind of videos were funny at first;
Oh yeah you showed the troll! Good on you! But this way of handling them only encourages these sick people to continue and to escalate their behavior, all the seek is attention

Woah.... I had no idea this was still going on. I loved the anime back in the day! It was only a 26 episode series, I’m super intrigued by the manga now!

This says more about you and who you interact with then the game its self, I’ve played on and off over the years and never experienced what your talking about in the slightest.

Dude... That’s Elvis.

If they want to go into GT at least choose Pan first.   

Reminds me of the Arkham Knight release.

That’s pretty rough lookin, rogers rabbit did it better.

you’re an idiot.

If people stay silent nothing will change. I won’t click on a slideshow link and it actually makes me rethink coming to these sites for news, information etc...  

“I don’t have a backbone and do as I’m told”

This is me. It’s been YEARS of this and I refuse to make an account, never had an issue finding what I needed elsewhere. 

But there is no novelty going in... unless they do some crazy ‘4D’ shit and spray you with water during scenes or something, uhhh this is gonna be a generic ass CGI bore fest. The first movie ONLY had the 3D gimmick going for it. 

This ‘franchise’ is gonna be awkward when it releases, the first sequel might do well, but it won’t smash any box office records. The second sequel is going to flop, Unless some how the second movie turns it all around, the best thing the first movie offered was an amazing 3D experience. The story, character and world

Hello sir, here are the boots your ordered, ready lick!

Ignorant over simplifications like this help scummy game devs to take advantage of customer/user base.

I just watched this 2 nights ago, wasn’t bad, quiet enjoyed it

I’ve used IFTT on and off for 3 years, I wouldn’t pay for any of the ‘service’ you get.