
They ain’t your viewers anyways so nothing lost. 

Gothalion is such a tool, he was staggered and was offered money and took it. He wasn’t doing anything for the community and that “up and comer” is a joke. Getting paid millions and a silver platter serving your ass ain’t “up and comer” 

Words can change.... We give this power to words by being offended by them. If it happened a long time ago, we can reboot the word. Being offended like this only gives power to that symbolically. Its the exact same bullshit going on now, the ‘okay’ hand gesture is now considered an alt-right thing. 

As long as nintendo keeps printing money they have no reason to support the competive side.

oh boy, comments and article by people that don’t even play or understand overwatch!

No it’s not.

So you’re a slob, got it!

So you’re a slob, got it!

Casual fans won’t see the game get supported and think ‘this is no longer for me’ Nintendo is just out of touch, too stuck in their own bubble. Shit in a bag and slap Nintendo on it and people will eat it up.

The next black character is from Toronto Canada....

You must not be workin’ that hard kiddo.

Geeze all the morons came out to the comment section today XD

I think ya’ll need to find something to do with your spare time; “quick the craft paper offended us! To the internet!!”

Candy Corn. nuff said.

Candy Corn. nuff said.

Ready to join!?

I hate this tradition;

People are stupid. 

Clearly you didn't read the article......

Oh nooo! Nudity!! My life is OOOOVER!!


should they have handed all that info to the corrupt military and government they are exposing? Sit down junior.