
There were few partners that complained.... it was mostly affiliates complaining about those people..

This time next year we remember all the failed Battle Royale....

Ya know what, fuck you, thats right. Fuck you.

Ghetto originally refers to areas that Jewish people were restricted to, why it’s a word only black people can say is beyond me. oy vey

UHG! The only people that want this are idiots stuck in bronze tier, anyone who UNDERSTANDS overwatch knows that this is against the grain of the games style. Having people stuck in set roles will kill the game and make it bland as fuck!

Should they be given the job because they are female or shouldn’t they earn it like everyone else?

Final Fantasy XI, running from San’doria to Jueno... That takes me back, those we’re the glory days, forming a party running for an hour to get to level up zone.... Everything felt earned!

He was only picked up because he has an audience, he was apart of the team as a draw, same as Seagull, but they dont use him because in a real game neither one is any good. XQC is just a trash person to boot.

LOL getting so butt hurt while being ignorant... You win Fridays moron award!

I question your parenting in this case.....

Now playing

You failed in the title and first sentence... I could not bother to read further, as I was already tilted.

This was a free to play game that was screwed over by Microsoft on several occasions.


Yeah, sucks playing a team based game with the team.

Nah its esports as a whole, none of those kids can stand in front of a mic and say a few words without looking like a lost kinder gardener 


There are modes for that; Quick play, various options under Arcade, Customs. But when you choose to go to competitive then you should be punished if you refuse to work as a team. That is the point of the mode. If you try and run the argument “well they paid for it, they can do what they want” Well, the other 5 people

Yeah damn, it sucks you have to earn stuff in games..... geeze.....

No, this does not work in a competitive game. Ban the leavers after 3 and call it a day.