
well at least it wasn’t The grateful dead...

So Prius people gate hate either way because they go under the limit, at the limit and over the limit... got it!

I can see the DA “NOT” charging this well intentioned kid with a very bright future...not

Those you can travel with from Mexico.

Yes, I got long Covid while in Mexico, my saving were all gone within 3 months... approximately the same amount.

I got long Covid while in Mexico, my saving were all gone within 3 months... approximately the same amount. 

Great! now i don’t need to meddle with finding an adapter anymore to get my T-GT II with T-LCM Pedals on Ferrari SF1000 Edition wheel to work on my still unboxed Xbox X.

True, maybe he was not told to maintain a given position and only keep on view or they only asked to avoid by view at their discretion. Either one is bad!

From what I’ve gathered they were looking at a different plane in sight.

Wonder if they will sell well on import.

No wonder why this G/O company keeps selling and sites keep shutting.

exactly my thoughts, nissan ariya’s bigger brother.

Should have been the ariya’s big brother.

I’m a simple man, aside from the usual euro hatch or Alfas. All I want is a Mexican 2001 RamCharger with a nice Sport/SLT front end.

lets talk about it.

with the NASA expending’s, they’ve never gotten their money’s worth. I mean, our money.

40 years is a long time compared to .7 seconds... you guys just don’t proofread anymore.

Almost incomprehensible, and i hate that they forcefully put as many links as possible to unrelated articles, leading to even worst writing because they have to fit that link “description.

Viganella, Italy, figured out already... simpler and much cheaper.

It still looks like a bad body Kit though...