are you going to update this article when the moving goalposts of retarded liberal progressiveness move ever more towards mental handicap? A Muslim woman of colour astronaut? lmao
are you going to update this article when the moving goalposts of retarded liberal progressiveness move ever more towards mental handicap? A Muslim woman of colour astronaut? lmao
maybe you shouldnt have your half-retard son who probably groped someone on the damn bus go on a Odyssey-length quest.
and i can still call people niggers and no one can stop me
I think we all need to take a step back and see the refugees, the brown people, the disadvantaged athletes in our schools, they are the ones who deserve sex.
what a cuck
actually, ethnic arabs are actually a little bit retarded from all of the cousin fucking they do. White Europeans tend to build cities for the blacks, monkeys to ruin, while arabs and blacks fuck each other, and livestock. lol
fuck off nigger
lmao what a uppity article... blacks have lower IQ and EQ on average, and cannot empathize with whites, or other people. All black people are psychopathic, to an extent. this is the explanation for the difference in crime between the demographics, and why africa is in such a sorry shape. Cops have to ask blacks…
at least wipe the cheeto dust off your neckbeard before you go down on tyrone’s sloppy seconds you fat ass cuck
she is lucky that negroid didnt pop her in the head with a ‘pawgun’
lmao the blacks win. because at least white and asian women can raise smart kids. blacks really cant do anything well but kill each other.
it is worse than the dead kids. the jokes about ariana. :( #prayforariana
leave it to a filthy liberal cuck to place more hate with someone who mentioned angels, than the threatening brown man who was putting everyone in danger. fuck islam, fuck you, kill yourself.
starbucks isnt hiring, theyve hired so many peacefull child refugees they will soon be worth more than any company on earth
that front double bicep is embarrassing lmao
“haha living somewhere where a tranny isnt killed by muslims every day, and the media would rather talk about trump”
what about if you plan on forced induction in the 5.0 :)
another day, another gud boy put down.
your bias is showing. the cole was gutted after some goat fuckers blew themselves up alongside. the missouri deflected a kamikaze strike with just a dent. do you work for a missile supplier?
except for the fact that today ships do not have armor in any appreciable thickness. the missouri has a 12" thick belt with armored bulkheads. modern anti ship missiles would not gut the ship like today’s tin cans