
awesome news. dat wakandan warrior learned the white man juju there at the end! lol!.  and besided.. you retards know that only the police will have guns when you ban them all, right? or do you just want to disarm white people?  I’ll wait right here for one of you brain dead morons to fabricate some globalism

holy shit my sides... cut the sci fi garbage dipshit, only way is pseudo A.I. more akin to aircraft autopilot with overall human control on the several second delay. every thing else is not feasible at this point

Across professions, Clarke and her team found that people with white-collar jobs were more likely to exercise than people with physically demanding jobs (the survey only asked about leisure-time exercise, so it’s possible that many of these people are indeed getting sufficient physical activity).

it’s awesome being white! Not justifying the perpetual poverty and crime that plagues my race by victimizing myself with supposed injustices perpetuated against my ancestors is completely awesome :)

WOW, summed it up perfectly, been coming to this site for years now and only in the last year or so has everything male = toxic. Wow, a man feels emasculated and reacts poorly, so dump him? fuck this author.

Loving something doesn’t drive traffic. Negativity sells. This site has long gone out of it’s way to either trash stuff, or report on other people trashing stuff.

I heard there is a story where a woman has less than 10 sex partners and doesn’t feel like she needs to date outside her race! how scary is THAT?!

Command & Conquer Rivals Isn’t What Fans Wanted, But It’s Fun So Go Fuck Yourself EA

That’s a half-assed understanding of Rand, but ok.

bring it on. Europeans descended peoples and East Asians would find a way to move on and survive. The entirety of Africa, who require US food aid to even stay alive in peacetime? not so much lol!

I wouldn’t mind a movie with Rose as the lead character. She was my favorite part of The Last Jedi.

the real question is whether any of the accusers have any male family members that are right wing.

I felt a deep, incredibly sad irony while I watched socialists protest at the Brandenburg gate in Berlin–they were literally standing on top of markers in the ground where the socialist government of East Germany killed people fleeing communism. I feel the same when I read this article; despite evidence to the


Even luke in the old EU admitted that the Empire would have crushed the Vong invasion with their intact superweapons, if the rebels had been defeated. With no Yuuzhan Vong genocide incoming, Palpatine’s necessary evil to militarize the galaxy and save the most lives, (an actually interesting scenario) gets turned into

My mind is not blown by the idea of seeing Han Solo win the Millennium Falcon. My mind is depressed by the idea. It just looks like high-end cosplay.

so these people can dive longer, but the black/white IQ gap isn’t real, and blacks are just as intelligent as other races.

why the mention of the 2016 election? It’s not like those gauge-eared gen Y’s scarfing down Tide Pods were voting for Trump..more like Hillary lmao!

To say nothing of the fact that fans liked the past. It’s what made them fans in the first place. It’s the Rian Johnson version of “present” that is the divisive horseshit.

“You can’t dwell on changing the past. Concentrate on the present”