
what mom knows what instagram live is? seriously, blacks spend so much time, embroiled in their free phones, they have to keep up the ‘jive’

EA does the same fucking thing, buy good IP, ruin said IP with committee design and plots/mechanics cooked up by accountants, then market the hell out of it, shelve it indefinitely when they dont make enough money.

unless mohamed is driving.

wealthy white men arent idiots, do not subscribe to mandatory diversity, and wow, are less likely to shoot others than violent, black savages

no no no. moar blacks!

black men with guns are the biggest problem

autistic-millennial diversity (TM) alien orgy simulator is looking great!

your rectum still sore from the fucking the hulkster gave to gawker? lol

the only reason you made this comment is because of the lack of interracial and tranny sex in the witcher fuck off with your sjw bullshit

‘afro’ lol here comes the nigger police to restrict white stories of heroism

no no, this is the carcass of gawker we are dealing with here, obviously the new president isnt brown anymore and thus the immunity from criticism has been lost

there is a reason africa will never be a player on the world stage. Its full of africans

maybe we arent dropping TOWs to islamic barbarians? thatd be nice wouldnt it? or is ‘war is boring’ and ‘foxtrot alpha’ still batting for hillary?

pretty sure china was still castrating slaves en masse around the time we banned slavery. suck on that libtard

black coward lol

then what do you think about ‘nigger rig’


ah youd rather get fucked by strangers and have a mixed-race child while the father spreads crime, bullets and his foul seed to other insipid females?

that is one ugly little picaninny!

what a triggered snowflake