sure it isnt podesta sucking on some sperm milk?
sure it isnt podesta sucking on some sperm milk?
not somewhere with a black murder rate higher than a credit score?
completely legal off-road racing. stupid cunt
well some more of that ‘’mandatory’’ equality
and huffpo is “stuff to hitachi my asshole to” right nigga?
haha its fucking great. if that condescending piece of commie dog shit obunga would have at least PAID LIP SERVICE to dead cops or white americans hillary would be already sending u-haul trucks. liberals and muslims gave Trump every single fucking bullet he shot.
hahha good luck liberal fucktards
nigger nigger
gonna print a retraction libcuck?
suck on it bitch. now swallow..
white christians killed my Daughter!!
you are very nearly disabled
40k mechs best mechs
ah great you have put the utter lack of any civility in black classrooms to rest.
here in craig county oklahoma, in the heat of july, you can get your F250 up to 135mph and meet a highway patrol, see him turn on his lights and try to flip around, and thats when you just hook it on a dirt road and floor it. they wont follow ya.
delete the fukin dpf and youll get 3mpg and lower operating temps, not have to buy def, and power..lots of power.
you are right, african americans have very very low IQs
this is why i drive a modded powerstroke. highway patrol clocked me doing 140, turn onto a dirtroad and lost em. fuck ricers and fuck liberals
yawn. Battlefleet gothic armada is a part of an established universe, isnt a moba, (which is great) and no microtransactions.