uh oh the goverment made the internet. might want to hold those clicks and snarky 70 year-late political bullshit.
uh oh the goverment made the internet. might want to hold those clicks and snarky 70 year-late political bullshit.
the otherworldly....screech emanating from the immature humans mouths is a most effective birth control
wheres a drone strike when you need it.
cock in the mouth?
listen fuckface, theres a diffrence between waiting to have a late term abortion out of sadism and out of medical issues.
when brown people no longer have access to anything more dangerous than a sharpened turd
it was a somali as well. a dirty shit skinned somali. :)
nope it was a under privileged somali man. surely he was the victim of a racist crime. :) your narrative is dead, bitch
nobodies hurt, and the somali man is dead. :)
looks like that is exactly what happened, :) bitch
if oliver is part of your name youve already failed
he did a good job didnt he? lol
lol that brown shit stain didnt make the team
b-b-bu-but mah ded iraki chillens!
lol @ the hypothetical situation where a bernie supporter has any kind of access to a tow truck or is employed in anything other than transexual dance therapy or basket weaving
you cannot argue that due to the 30mm being used ‘rarely’ it is in any way even comparable to the 180 rounds of 25 mm the f35 will shoot from a ‘gun pod’ the a10 is built around that gun. please dont discount it for the sake of your argument.
there are precious few games letting the player play from the perspective of the empire. battlefront 2, Tie Fighter, and the space based portions of EAW (especially the mods) are all critically acclaimed.the new battlefront is trash in any form, with disney’s acquisition,we might never again fight in the name of…